Why Making A Food Blog Was The Best Decision Ever | The Odyssey Online
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Why Making A Food Blog Was The Best Decision Ever

Seriously, though, who wouldn't love an excuse to eat all the time?

Why Making A Food Blog Was The Best Decision Ever
Eleanor Dalsass

I've always been infatuated with food; it was a delicious phenomenon that I couldn't get enough of. However, as I grew older, so did my value for higher quality ingredients. My taste buds adjusted in such a way that processed and inorganic foods no longer had the same appeal as they did when I was younger. Instead, I was drawn to dishes like Pappardelle Bolognese and blackened Mahi Mahi, ones that intrigued both my taste buds and my eyes. I loved all the colors, smells, flavors - how each ingredient had its own unique taste, and perfectly combines with others to create an amazing delicacy. I tried my hand at cooking for a short period, but when my younger sister clearly demonstrated a greater natural talent, I decided to step aside and appoint her as the main chef (second to my mom). I didn't mind though: I was happy to be the recipient of all her exquisite creations. My mom, however, was the one to first pique my interest in food. Since I was little, she had always placed a different dish in front of me at the dinner table. Not needing to use recipes, she relied on resourcefulness, imagination, and taste to concoct unique, mouthwatering dishes that excited my taste buds. As I couldn't convey my creativity through cooking, I began to try to express my passion for cuisine through photography, striving to showcase the magic and beauty of what I was eating.

For years, I captured the magnificence of each meal on my camera, protesting before my family or friends took bites of their food and then quickly snapping a photo. Each dish told its own story, and I earnestly tried to encapsulate it every time. It took great practice and perseverance to master the technique of tilting the camera at such an angle to allow the lighting to hit the food perfectly, creating the illusion of the dish being right in front of you. After years of taking pictures for my own enjoyment, I began to receive feedback for my work. Many remarked on my photos, amazed at how I captured the essence of the fare, teasing their taste buds and making their mouths water. People respected my drive for high quality and fine cuisine, calling me a true "foodie". I realized that my love for food was no longer something that I should just keep to myself - people wanted me to share it with them. So, I did the only thing that any avid food lover would do: I made a food blog.

Weekly, I posted pictures of my favorite meals and restaurants. I felt fulfilled and gratified, knowing that I was able to share my fervor for food with other people. Whether my sister baked homemade donuts or I ordered Pho from the Vietnamese café in town, I documented it all and uploaded it onto my Instagram blog. I made the choice to use such a prevalent social media platform, because I knew it would be seen and enjoyed by more people. I will admit, though, that initially I was apprehensive. Broadcasting something that was so personal to me, for people to view and judge, made me feel incredibly vulnerable. However, the amount of positive feedback and comments I have received overshadows any doubt that I had.

Sometimes people come up to me, wondering what made me pursue my love for food in the form of a blog, and I tell them the same thing: I have always had a profound passion for all kinds of cuisine. When I discovered that my photos allowed others to take part in my experiences, sharing in the happiness of good food, I knew that I needed to spread the love in some way. My initial infatuation has become a full-blown love affair, and I look forward to capturing the heart and soul of food with my blog for years to come.

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