Choosing to attend a school so far from home is one of the toughest decisions I have ever made. I have never moved and have barely been off of the east coast (I live in North Carolina for point of reference). This past August, I left everything behind including my family, friends and the only home I have ever had. I did this to attend a school over 500 miles away. I knew no one going i, and had only visited once prior to putting my deposit down post-acceptance. But, leaving North Carolina for Pennsylvania has been the best decision.
The first few weeks of college were full of uncomfortable situations, and the changes of leaving home were easily noticed. It was overwhelming to start all over and to establish new relationships. I traded my personal bathroom for one I shared with a hall full of people and was living in a 10-by-12 foot room (that felt more like a closet) with a roommate I had just met. Even the food was different; my cravings for sweet tea and fried chicken could not be satisfied. But most of all, I missed the everyday presence of the people I had grown up with.
Although it was tough at first, I adjusted with time. My roommate and I became inseparable. And small living spaces don’t seem so terrible once you get to know the people you live amongst. I didn’t miss home as much as I began to make new friends. Additionally, I enjoyed the newfound freedom to make my own decisions without the influence of anyone.
As my first year progressed, I found myself enjoying my school. It has become a second home, holding new adventures and memories.
Living in Pennsylvania has showed me so much. Closeness with some of your old friends may fade with distance, but they will always be there for you. It’s OK to miss your old home when away. But remember where you came from and that home will always be there for you to come back to. If you never move, then you will never have the opportunity to experience the beauty of change that is ever so apparent across the world amongst us.
So to anyone who is debating the idea of moving or going somewhere completely different, do it. Don’t set limitations on your desires because of distance. A new place may be uncomfortable at first, but you will grow to be a stronger person through it. Your home will always be your home no matter how far you travel from it. Embrace the journey life takes you on.