Have you thanked those oh so precious two limbs you call legs in a while? No. Well stop a moment, look down, and give them a nice loving pat. These bad boys, whether you know it or not, are the ones that have helped you achieve so many things in your life. How you ask? Because they have helped you walk.
When we were little, walking was a right of passage. The fact that we learned how to balance and cover distances on our own was worth celebrating. However I feel like we often forget why it is so important to celebrate this amazing feat.
I have always considered walking to be one of the most beautiful things in this world. Just think about it. How many places have your two legs taken you? How many steps have you taken in your lifetime? While I've always believed quantifying things is for the birds, all I can tell you is that more is better when answering these questions.
Thanks to the recent Fitbit frenzy that the world seems to be in right now, walking has become a popular fad. The amount of steps you take gives you a sense of accomplishment and if you’re lucky a sense of victory if you're competing with your friends.
For me, walking has always been an opportunity to debrief. It gives me a chance to escape from the chaotic world that we live in where we are so addicted to noise and productivity. It forces us to slow down, reflect, and take our lives one day at a time.
Some of the most life giving moments I share with people happen on walks. When all you are left with is the sidewalk ahead and another person at your side, you are left with no other option but to talk. Sharing in conversation while letting your feet guide you aimlessly, you can find yourself deepening relationships and creating so many worthwhile memories.
Never lose sight of the beauty of going on a walk. Let your feet take you somewhere today and let them teach you something valuable. Not everyone is lucky enough to have the opportunity to walk, so never lose sight of how blessed you are to be able to put one foot in front of the other.
Go explore. Go find an untraveled path. Put your footprint on as many sidewalks, as many roads, hiking paths, states, countries, bridges, and tight ropes that you can. You and your two feet have the whole world itching to make your acquaintance. Nothing can stand in between the power of you and your two feet.
Adventure is out there and it starts with a nice leisurely stroll, so I challenge you at least once a week to drop everything, pick a friend, and go for a walk! Take in the world around you and be gracious for the two wonderful limbs you stand on and where the have taken you, and will take you!