5. The Villanova Basketball team is...well...the Villanova Basketball team. | The Odyssey Online
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8 Reasons Why I Transferred To Villanova University

It wasn't just the basketball team that caught my attention.

8 Reasons Why I Transferred To Villanova University
Kathryn Kaloroumakis

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The search for the "perfect college" is a stressful experience and most high school students struggle to find the campus that is best suited for them. However, I made the process very easy when I committed to run cross country and track at the University of California San Diego during the fall of my senior year. It wasn't until I was living life as a UCSD student that I realized the school did not suit my needs as a student. Transferring to Villanova University was the best decision I've ever made, and here's why.

1. Villanova is absolutely gorgeous.

I made up my mind to transfer to Villanova before I even stepped foot on campus. The view of the beautiful stone buildings from Lancaster Avenue took my breath away - I was convinced the second I saw it.

2. Villanova is the perfect size.

Instead of walking 45 minutes uphill to get to class at UC San Diego, the walk across Villanova's campus is comfortable and enjoyable. Not to mention the beautiful scenery you can enjoy along the way.

3. Location, Location, Location.

Located in the outskirts of Philadelphia, there is always something to do. Downtown Philly is accessible - you can easily hop on the train to see a ballgame, eat at a nice restaurant, or even tour the historical sites within the city. King of Prussia is also an adventure in itself (just don't get lost).

4. Villanova has a welcoming environment.

I really felt a sense of community when I arrived at Villanova - I had no trouble finding my place on campus. Whether you join greek life, intramural sports, Blue Key, or Special Olympics, there is a place for everyone to get involved at Villanova.

5. The Villanova Basketball team is...well...the Villanova Basketball team. 

Villanova's reputation is well known all across the nation due to our success in the NCAA championships. The basketball team brings the community together. There is no greater feeling than watching the game while being surrounded by other students, faculty, and almuni. Our school spirit is through the roof.

6. The class sizes are small.

Coming from class sizes of 450 students at UC San Diego, I felt more comfortable learning in such a small group. Students are held accountable for their work and there is more of an opportunity to ask questions. I am no longer just a number.

7. Students get to know their professors on a personal basis. 

Communication is key - Villanova professors and faculty are extremely approachable. They care about the lives of the students - where they came from, where they fit in at Villanova, and where they are headed in the future.

8. Villanovans care about other Villanovans. 

Even after students graduate, the Villanova experience continues. The networking connections that students make with alumni are useful in getting jobs, branching out, and meeting new people. We are one big, happy family.

So, as my first year at Villanova comes to an end, I look back at my smooth and exciting transition into Nova Nation with pride. I am so happy to call Villanova my home away from home, and I truly cannot imagine myself attending any other university. As Troy Bolton once said, "Once a Wildcat, always a Wildcat".

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