To my roommate/best friend,
First off, let me say that I am thrilled to have you not only as my roommate, but my best friend as well. Moving in with a friend ends up becoming either a good or bad experience, but for me, the experience has been great. When my situation was not working out too well with my previous roommate, you gladly accepted me as your new roommate, and I can't thank you enough.
Thank you for your help and advice. I can always count on you for advice on all sorts of things. Moving in with you has definitely benefitted me. You have helped me to see the importance of setting boundaries for myself and not allowing people to walk over me. You have also allowed me to see that other people's opinions of me do not matter. What really matters is how God sees me and how I feel about myself.
I know we have different opinions on certain topics, but it's okay. We aren't going to agree on everything because we're two different people. Even though you can be blunt at times, I appreciate any advice you can give. Your willingness to help me shows how much you care about me.
Thank you for accepting me for who I am. I know how loud and obnoxious (since I feel comfortable with you) I can be. Thank you for not judging me when I act crazy and laugh uncontrollably. Also, thank you for understanding me when I have mental breakdowns from the stress of school. I appreciate you telling me when I need to take a break from studying. Your motive is never to judge me; it's always to help me.
Thank you for showing me how a good friend is supposed to be. In the past, I have had toxic friends who I had to remove from my life. A good friend like you is not supposed to take advantage of someone. Recently, I have not had much luck in finding good friends, so I came to the conclusion that I was most likely not going to have any lasting friendships from college.
However, you proved me wrong. Thank you for showing me that there is still hope in finding good friends. I am so grateful that you care enough about me to listen to me talk about my problems (no matter how tiring it can get) and that you know not to take advantage of me. I know we don't have much time left together since I will be graduating soon, but I hope we continue to keep in touch. I know that friends often grow apart, but I hope our friendship never fades.
Your appreciative friend/roommate