So I'm not really sure what to say in light of the issues going on in America. It feels like a bit of an exaggeration to say that it seems like everyday a new tragedy is happening.
In reality though, that's actually not that far off of a statement, is it?
I've heard and read numerous times that during 9/11, the attendance in churches spiked. People turned to God despite the horror that had occurred in America.
I'm curious as to what the attendance of churches are today compared to the time following the 9/11 attacks. I honestly have no idea.
You see, during the 9/11 attacks, I bet it was easy to put the blame on God. Why wouldn't it be? He's constantly talked up as being this all powerful being that is in control of everything. In fact, the line is blurred a lot of times, as people tend to think that everything we as humans do is controlled by God. While being all powerful, we also make sure to advertise about the love of God. That all seems like a statement that people are happy to live with. But when the going gets tough, this question is often brought up: "If God loves us so much, why does he let bad things happen?"
An appropriate response is that we don't know. Things happen that we don't understand why God lets them. Why do some babies never make it past their conception? Why does God allow the deaths of family and loved ones? Why did he let so many people die in the past couple weeks? Why doesn't he just force everyone to be good?
That last question has a very important flawed concept that I mentioned earlier: That God controls us.
According to the Bible, the one thing God doesn't control is free will. Despite what some people say, we as humans have the freedom to do what we want and think how we want. One of the greatest loves God has shown us is to let us choose whether to show that back to Him or not. If God really did control us, do you really think He would just let people murder each other? Would there have even been the need for a savior (Jesus) in the first place?
So that's one solution as to why bad things happen, but let's face it... It does not make the events of what has happened any easier, especially if you have been directly affected by it. I mean, the Bible says that God rose people from the grave, even his own son! He was able to allow the blind to see again. He's so feared by the devil that demons run and flee simply at the mention of the name Jesus. So how can this same God not interfere and stop such bad things from happening?
As frustrating as it is, again... We don't know. And we won't know until we come to face to face with God one day. It's hard as Christians to try to defend our God when we ourselves question Him. Yet, we are allowed to question Him. He gave us free will and desire, and so we are allowed to exercise that.
Unfortunately, bad things are expected to happen. God even said that they would. Evil is the absence of good. So where's the hope? How do we find it?
Christians believe that Jesus is coming back one day to set the record straight with the devil. He is coming back for the people who believed in Him. Since He has not come yet, bad things are going to continue to happen.
So in order to find pure hope and peace, we have to do something that is very tough sometimes.
We have to seek God, even when we don't want to.
In order for us to get to Heaven we have to confess with our mouths that Jesus Christ is Lord and believe that He was/is the Son of God who died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead.
We find our hope in knowing that Jesus is coming back someday, and until then, we have to wait on Him and trust in Him, knowing that He really loves us more than we could ever know.
So I guess my final statement is this: If you want to know why God lets bad things happen, ask Him yourself. Seek Him, even though it's not always easy. People sought after God during the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, despite probably being mad at Him. The greatest love you'll ever know comes from God. And the Bible says in Psalm 34:18, "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."
Chances are, He's already waiting for you to make the choice to turn to Him.
My prayers and condolences to all the victims all over America right now. May you find peace in the coming days.
God bless.