Why do we do art? Why do we use a tool to put colors on a blank canvas? If this thought has ever crossed your mind, let me be the one to explore the reasons of why I personally love to paint myself.
First of all, when I have emotions that I cannot put into words, this is my resort. When there is nobody that I feel I can talk to, I pull out my paints, grab a blank canvas, and go to town. I never feel like I have to create anything specific, so it’s either a free for all or a constructed idea. This doesn’t have to be shown to anybody, so I don’t have to feel like I have to make it pretty. If I want to finger paint a bit and mark it up, I am limited to absolutely nothing.
The best part is the music. I always turn on some music. I let myself get lost in the process and not worried about the outcome. The outcome is of no importance. Turn on some pump up music, turn on sad music, turn on instrumental, or just some chill jams. Just let how you feel come out of you in this time to yourself.
You can also do this whenever. One night when I couldn’t sleep, I sat up at 2 a.m. and dimmed my light, walking to the paint. I pulled out a blank canvas and turned on some slow music. In my pajamas in the middle of the night, I felt refreshed and had also made an artwork to prove it. Never feel that art is limited to a time or place. Art can be wherever you want, however, you want, and whenever you want.
Some of the best art that I have ever created has been out of pure emotion. A spontaneous idea sparked from an emotion or a song that made me feel creative. These pieces of art usually turn out the most beautiful. Sometimes these pieces of art may cause some eyebrows to furrow in confusion, but in your eyes, it can always be beautiful. It can be a boy who broke your heart, a visual representation of your overcome fears, a sense of love and compassion, or even just your contentment.
No matter how or what you’re feeling, you can use your hands to show these emotions wherever you want. Your wall, a blank canvas, a wood board, your bed stand, a dresser. It’s all free game. Not only do you have to use paints and art mediums, you can create your clothing, your room decorations, etc. Art is not just emotion. Art becomes the medium that we as artists use to express our emotions. You should never feel limited or intimidated by art. You yourself are art.