Why Cultural Appropriation Is Never Okay | The Odyssey Online
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Why Cultural Appropriation Is Never Okay

So Stop Doing It

Why Cultural Appropriation Is Never Okay

Imagine a foreigner taking an American flag and cutting up into small pieces. They slice the red, white, and blue cloth that we all hold so dear. Now, they sew the pieces back together in a brand new pattern, adding in their own fabric, some sparkle glitter and a couple of strategically placed buttons. Then they put it on a flag pole, fly it above their house and claim they are a proud American.

Are you upset? Welcome to cultural appropriation, currently one of the most controversial issues in the social justice sphere. There are misconceptions about what this term does and does not mean. So let's start with some definitions.

Cultural Appreciation: This describes someone's respect or admiration for cultures other than their own. It is a positive concept, which often leads to acceptance and understanding between individuals with different cultural backgrounds.

Cultural Assimilation: Assimilation occurs when minorities or marginalized groups adopt elements and traditions of the dominant culture in order to function in society.

Okay, this is the big one. Pay attention.

Cultural Appropriation: This happens when members of a socially empowered dominant culture utilize elements of a culture which has been institutionally oppressed by that dominant culture, often for entertainment.

Now that we have a better understanding of what these terms mean, let's look at some reasons cultural appropriation is never acceptable.

Assimilation Does Not Excuse Appropriation.

People in marginalized groups don't really have a choice. Theoretically, they could speak their native language and dress in their native clothing. The Great American Melting Pot, right? Realistically, it is difficult to function or survive in an English-speaking country without learning English. What about African tribes, whose native clothing is scandalous by American standards? In some cases, it would be illegal to wear their traditional clothing in public. So assimilation isn't necessarily a choice. In most cases it is a means of survival for minorities.

These groups don't have the social power. They aren't deciding to "try out" another culture for fun. That's the difference.

Appropriation Perpetuates Stereotypes.

Individuals claim they are spreading awareness and appreciation of other cultures. Instead, they are spreading their superficial understanding of a culture to other members of the dominant culture, contributing to the cycle of privilege and oppression. The fact you can say hello in Spanish doesn't mean you are fluent in the language. Being a feminist doesn't give you the right to speak on behalf of all women. Likewise, you cannot take a singular, stereotypical element of a culture, use it for your own enjoyment, then claim you are spreading appreciation for the entire culture.

It Trivializes The Struggles Of Marginalized Groups.

When you wear a head scarf because you think it really ups the cuteness factor of your outfit, are you thinking of the women who wear them as a symbol of their devotion to religion or the women who are forced to hide their faces with them against their will?

When you put your hair in cornrows or dreadlocks to be trendy, do you stop to consider that many people of color struggle against racial stereotypes in the professional sector because of these hairstyle choices?

For minorities, their cultural and physical traits identify them as different and serve to isolate them from members of the dominant culture. They are taught that to be accepted, they must blend in. Members of the cultural majority can adopt these cultural elements with no fear of the repercussions the individuals in these institutionally oppressed groups face on a daily basis. In other words, minorities are praised for assimilation, while the majority is praised for appropriation.

It Spreads A Dangerous Message About Minorities.

When you take a culture's traditional clothing and turn it into a Halloween costume, what does that say to the individuals in that culture? It dehumanizes them. It violates the sacredness of their culture. It indicates a lack of respect for their way of life. When we as members of an empowered side of a social dichotomy appropriate these other cultures, we are taking advantage of groups who don't have the power to fight back. We are the bullies on the playground who take a little girl's doll and hold it just out of her reach as she desperately tries to reclaim it. We need to stop.

There Are Better Things You Can Do With Your Privilege.

If you are a member of a privileged group, your voice is much more likely to be heard than those in a marginalized group. If your race, gender or religion places you on the empowered side of society, you can play a large part in combating social injustices. Your privilege gives you power.

Use this power. Stand up for marginalized groups. Challenge racial and homophobic slurs. Educate yourself on other cultures so you do not unintentionally take part in cultural appropriation. Question social norms that are harmful to minorities. Don't follow the crowd. Be better than the crowd.

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