Whimsical Gender Insecurities
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Whimsical Gender Insecurities

Guys and girls face unique insecurites characteristic of their genders

Whimsical Gender Insecurities
Danielle Cassells

Each one of us has qualities of ourselves that we absolutely adore, whether it’s those big beautiful eyes or a charming personality; then, there’s that one thing we have to deal with. As we have all experienced, being human comes with some interesting insecurities, as we sometimes feel inclined towards certain qualities that characterize our genders.

Male Insecurities

1) Body frame

The physical insecurities boys deal with are hilariously different from those that girls face. For guys,unlike girls, a high metabolism is not something to brag about. Guys prefer not to have a thin body frame, as they usually take pride in being able to build muscle and body mass.

2) Height

Guys usually struggle with being average or under-average height. It is the most trying time for boys at an age when the girls they are crushing on are taller than they are. And no guy wants to be the last of his friends to hit that growth spurt.

3) Puberty

It is a very awkward time for boys as their voices change pitch from Mickey Mouse to Morgan Freeman. They experience voice cracks trying to adjust to the drastic change. This is also the time in a guy's life when he checks his peach fuzz everyday to see if that beard is coming in yet because what guy wants to be last to grow facial hair?

4) Introvert

Whereas girls are usually fine with being introverted, introverted guys are not as comfortable with this character trait. This means they have to work harder to make friends and it may take them a long while to build up the courage to speak to the person they are interested in.

5) Athleticism

Sports are obviously a big deal to a lot of people, but especially to a majority of guys. So, to the guy who never seems to make that three-pointer and could not throw a football to save his life, we feel for you.

6) Chick Magnet

Guys are sometimes judged among their buddies by their ability to "spit game." This means being able to approach a girl, get her attention, talk comfortably with her, and most importantly, get her number. For some guys, approaching a girl is most unnerving because they sometimes fear that they are not her type or that they are out of her league.

7) Healthy Wallet

It is important to everyone but especially to guys to have a bulging wallet. Just having a job that gets them by is not enough for some guys. They tend to feel the pressure to be able to afford weekends out, high end clothing (especially kicks), the latest technologies, like the Apple Watch, and the fastest coolest cars. For guys who grew up in poverty or in a home where these things were not the norm, it tends to be even more important.

Female Insecurities

Girls deal with a lot more physical insecurities than guys on average because females are more directly affected by society’s portrayal of a “beautiful woman,” so here are just a few of the most common insecurities girls struggle with.

1) Body Shape

For as long as I can recall, the hourglass figure has been the body shape that is glorified by media and show business. This means a waist smaller than the bust and hips, meaning a slim figure overall. This notion of a “beautiful body” sometimes causes young ladies to feel conscious about their body being the “right” proportion. Some women embrace their shape with no hesitation while some intentionally wear clothes that emphasize their best features or enhance that which they feel is lacking.

2) Height

Unlike guys, no girl really wants to sky-rocket over her friends (unless she models, of course). Being extremely tall automatically makes her the “reacher” in any group and it is harder to find a partner who can truly compliment her glorious height.

3) What are those?!

With height can also come another issue, larger feet, which is another feature a girl prefers not to have. Personally, a member of this group, I can tell you that all shoes are definitely not created equally and it is a pain just trying to find cute shoes sometimes!

4) Skin

Let's talk flawless because most girls do not wake up like this. We deal with skin issues including blemishes, uneven skin tone, pores, and other noticeable problems. I honestly do not know one girl who does not desire flawless skin. Girls naturally prefer not to have any blemishes of any kind, whether stretch marks, birth marks, acne scars, bruises or blotchy skin.

5) Makeup guru

Being good at makeup is not something all girls try to achieve, but if we're honest, most of us wish we could make that winged liner look like the ones in those perfect celeb makeup pictures that circulate Twitter.

6) Strut, strut, strut

On a scale of girl-who-can do-a-cartwheel-in-heels to girl-who looks-like-a-newborn-lamb-attempting-to-walk-for-the-first-time in heels, where do you fall? For those who do not know this, walking well in heels is a talent. For ladies who are not as confident in these areas, wedges are our best friends.

7) Individuality

Finally, no girl wants to be viewed as boring or regular. Ladies want to be seen as fun and having their own individual personality. This is why girls absolutely hate being compared to another girl. It is most abominable to her. (I hope the guys are taking notes).

All these aspects of our human selves that tend to make us uneasy are also some of the very things that make us one of a kind. Always remember, no one can be you as well as you and life is a beautiful thing when you just play to your strengths.

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