Scorpio (October 23 - November 22) — Frollo | The Odyssey Online
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The Disney Villain You Are, Based On The Zodiac — Because, Yes, We All Have An Evil Side

Pull the lever, Pisces.

The Disney Villain You Are, Based On The Zodiac — Because, Yes, We All Have An Evil Side

I've always been a huge Disney villain fan — whether it was for their cryptic one-liners, enviable outfits, or sidekick banter. Some of the most iconic lines from cinematic history have been said by the characters we love to hate and occasionally dress up as once a year.

The fear-mongering Gaston I now find hilariously cringe-worthy is now charming and oftentimes considered by fans as rightfully justified in his actions. Die-hard fans of the Disney villain fan club claim alternate egos in their favorite evil characters, adopting their hilarious witticisms into everyday life.

One of our favorite ways of justifying bad behavior is to compare our actions to the iconic Disney villains of our past and present. Whether you're a deceptive softie like Hans or prefer a more traditional Evil Queen-esque approach to your wrongdoings, if you needed another excuse for your bad behavior, feel free to blame the universe and these mischievous characters.

Aries (March 21 - April 20) — Hades

Your mood changes quickly — you'll go from content to fire-burning rage in the matter of a split second. When you get angry, you won't hold back any aggression.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21) — Scar

For the most part, you're extremely slow-moving, but the second you're provoked to anger, you act on impulse, and there's no stopping your fits of anger because of how stubborn you are.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21) — Yzma

You know this about yourself: you can be super inconsistent and indecisive, but the evilest thing about you is your ability to switch between your two charming personalities within a millisecond.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22) — Evil Queen

You're the ultimate master of holding a grudge, even if the logic doesn't add up, and it usually manifests in a form of extreme jealousy — an all too familiar emotion for you

Leo (July 23 - August 22) — Gaston

Your extreme pride is what people tend to know you for, but those closest to you know you are also extremely possessive and easy to make jealous.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) — Jafar

You know very well that you tend to over-analyze almost every situation to death, overcomplicating things unnecessarily to the point at which you likely make more life more difficult for yourself than you should. The people closest to you know that you tend to be a bit over-bearing and demanding.

Libra (September 23 - October 23) — Cruella De Vil

You're super charming, and that's what makes everyone love you — till they get to know your dark side which can be extremely controlling, if not a little superficial at times.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 22) — Frollo

The master of holding a grudge, you're extremely secretive about your darkest secrets. Externally, most people don't know how manipulative and jealous you can actually be.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21) — Queen of Hearts

You have a tendency to be extremely negative and impulsive. Impatient about the things you want most in life, you often let your restlessness get the best of you.

Capricorn (December 21 - January 20) — Maleficent

You're extremely serious. It's a rare experience for anyone to see a smile on your face, and once you decide you want to do something you're wholeheartedly and stubbornly committed — for better or worse.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) — Ursula

You may be charming but the people who know you best know you are constantly looking at the bad in life. No matter how good life may be, you have a way of picking out the negative aspects of it.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20) — Prince Hans

You're extremely likable — it's easy for anyone to fall for your seductive allure, though you oftentimes use it to your own selfish advantage.

All images courtesy of Disney.

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