In the past two weeks, there have been a number of mind numbing events happening not only in our country, but around the world. We've seen murders on both sides of the police brutality argument, France has once again been attacked, only this time he used a truck. Turkey's coup d'etat, albeit failed, shows more fractures in the Middle East than what we thought. But the burning question on everyone's mind right now: where do we go from here?
The answer isn't simple, because there isn't any real answer. We could go many different ways. We could stay the course we are on now, and hate each other over the petty differences that make us unique, we could ignore all of our problems like we have been and just let them keep growing. Or, we could address them head on. More people would rather take the former, but that has gotten into this mess.
We need to stop focusing on all of our differences and see what makes us the same. We also need to accept that we have faults. That not all cops are bad cops, but how some of them do have a power complex. How not all people of color are thugs, but how just like any other race, are subject to bad apples. That, just like other major religions, Islam has extremists, like how Christianity has the Westboro Baptist. And Turkey? I don't quite know what to say about Turkey, other than it, like many Middle Eastern border nations, are showing signs of fracture as what some call a dictator cements his power. I can't talk for them though, because I have not experienced this first hand.
We need to stop all this infighting. We need to love one another, as brothers and sisters and not as enemies.