I'm assuming that I'm not the only one in the world who was never blessed with a dog as a child. For those of us who never were able to have a little buddy jumping at our every move, we all know how important it was to make friends who had a dog. With my personal experience, making friends with a dog owner is probably the best thing in the world. Obviously this is not actually why I became friends with these people, but it sure brightened my day when going over to their houses and being greeted by excited dogs who were ready to lick my face off. Here's a little exaggeration of how it all went down:
1. “Oh you have a dog? That’s cool.” *tries to maintain self-control.*
You need to come across as normal at first. Once you maintain a steady friendship -- meaning you get to the meet the dog stage -- you can finally embrace your obsession for dogs.
2. The meet the dog stage is the most exciting moment of your life.
This is the moment you’ve been waiting for. It’s also the only reason you are friends with this person. Don’t mess up, you’ve got this. All dogs like you, let’s add some more to the list.
3. The dog loves you, of course. And you immediately become BFFLs.
Whether or not the dog instantly warms up to you, you know that drawing a heart links you two together as immediate best friends.
4. You constantly invite yourself over to your friend’s house only because you want to see their dogs.
Maybe if you constantly hang out with their dogs, you’ll become actual real friends with them too.
5. After spending all this time with these dogs, you can’t keep your paws off them, whether they like it or not.
Maybe you’re forcing them to love you, maybe you’re not. It’s a dog, who knows what they’re actually thinking?
6. Hopefully your friend trusts you enough now to take care of their dogs while they’re off on vacation or something … and if so ...
You’ll have the time of your life walking all these dogs -- it’s basically just hanging out with your friends, right??
7. After these long walks and quality time, being away from your life companion gets pretty sad at times. But being sent occasional “I miss you” photos is bound to cheer you up.
But that’s okay because now when you go home, you know you’ll have a little four legged ball of fur who can’t wait to see you.
8. Once you’re reunited -- with the dog that is -- your friend starts to wonder if you were ever actually their friend ...
Or was it just for the dogs … whatever, it was worth it ...