The struggle is too real with this one, guys! As basic as it sounds, it happens more often than you think and when it does, the problems that can arise are all incredibly catastrophic. The cell phone for the modern person is like that of a second heart, easy to break, and easy to lose and when either of these two happen, the person is left feeling empty and as though nothing else in the universe matters to them. Long story short, they can no longer function. I've seen this response countless times with my friends and will never NOT find it hilarious to watch. I say this because not every reaction is the same. One of them started hyperventilating, while another just got angry and started throwing things. I never thought technology had such an affect on people. While it's amusing to watch, in reality, it's actually kind of terrifying.
A cell phone is nice when it comes to contacting friends and making important phone calls to places like an area of employment (you know, the things cell phones were MEANT to be used for) but when you add all these other things, like the internet and other methods of accessing social media, distractions are bound to follow. When I was a kid, the only way I could access the internet was by going onto a desktop computer (does anyone even know what that is anymore?) and only occasionally. Now we have these pocket-sized devices that can get us there even faster and we can't get enough of it! Cell phones are such a huge part of life, I rarely rarely see any of my friends without one glued to their hands.
Visiting family or socializing suddenly pales in comparison to the number of likes one's selfie gets on Instagram. Even going out in the public is undesirable and life becomes all about tweeting as opposed to paying attention to another human being. Did you know that some people forget to eat because they're so engrossed with it? How the heck does someone allow that to happen?
So as I said initially, the cell phone rules all, and when it's lost, the level of dependence a person has on it breaks through the surface. If you wind up flipping out and throwing stuff, maybe you NEEDED to be pulled away from the device! Go and read a book or something! I guarantee you that your eyes will get much more enjoyment out of one of those than being reduced to shriveled husks by a bright screen while playing Candy Crush!