On Friday, Donald Trump finally announced his running mate to be Mike Pence, the current governor of Indiana. In true Trump fashion, he kept the media guessing who his vice presidential pick would be, even after making his final decision. If you're wondering who this Mike Pence guy is, you're not alone. Here are 8 things you should know about this addition to Trump's campaign.
1. Pence is an established Republican.
Many Republicans have shied away from Trump and his antics, but Pence's presence in the campaign provides stronger ties with party. Pence may even garner the support of the Koch brothers, who have so far refused to support Trump.
2. Pence is very strictly pro-life.
Trump has been known to call himself pro-choice in the past, so Pence's stance may draw in more pro-life voters.
3. As governor, he signed a 2011 law which allowed business owners to refuse services based on religious beliefs.
While this might draw in more socially conservative party members and voters, hopefully Pence is more for equal rights these days.
4. After using negative campaign tactics in 1990, he scorned the negative campaign in a 1991 essay, "Confessions of a Negative Campaigner".
Maybe Pence will steer Trump's campaign from the negative?
5. He has managed to slightly lower taxes in Indiana.
Okay, I think we can all get behind this.
6. He's from the mid west.
Trump, a native of New York, can benefit from Pence's ties to the mid west. Pence's reputation as a law maker and governor could help gain the trust of many mid western voters.
7. Pence's personality is not nearly as large as Trump's.
Again, Pence makes Trump a more attractive candidate to those voters and party members who have shied from Trump's antics on the campaign trail.
8. Pence and Trump don't know each other that well.
This could end up hurting their campaign if they disagree too often, but it's more likely that they keep each other in check as they build their relationship.