As I’m about to start my senior year of college, there are a lot of thoughts and emotions swirling around in my brain. I can’t believe that its been three whole years since I was a very nervous freshman, about to start my journey. Here are some things I wish I had known or done before that first fateful day.
1. I wish I’d known it was totally normal to be scared.
Because, I was absolutely terrified. Coming from my biggest class in high school having maybe 25 people to my biggest class at Auburn having approximately 300… it was a shock. And it was something I had to get used to.
2. I wish I’d known that everyone wore Nike shorts and T-shirts that first day.
Because I genuinely thought that everyone was going to dress up (at least a little) on that first day and I wore clothes that were uncomfortable and made me die of sweat making my way around campus.
3. I wish I had walked my schedule before the first day.
Because being lost, and scared and 15 minutes late for class only made it that much worse.
4. I wish I had tried harder to make friends in the beginning.
Because freshman year is the year to get involved and meet new people. It’s the year to put yourself out there and make new experiences.
5. I wish I had known it was probable I was going to change my major.
Because I did. Three times. And every time I was terrified that I was going to be ridiculously set behind and mocked for not graduating on time.
6. I wish someone had told me I wouldn’t be in the “smart group” anymore.
Because I was salutatorian in high school and was fully expecting to have a relatively easy time in college. Nothing like your first college calculus class to prove you were very, very wrong.
7. I wish I had started thinking about graduate school sooner.
Because at the time, I wasn’t going to veterinarian school. But if I had been, I would’ve been totally prepared by the time I got to where I am now.
8. I wish I had realized that I needed to celebrate differences.
Because we're all made differently in God's image and trying to put people in a box in your mind is an injustice to them as well as to you.
9. I wish that I had put myself out there more.
Because trying new things and making new experiences is exactly what college is all about. I wish I had spread my wings a little more that first year.
10. I wish I had known that my relationship status would change.
Because I was pretty sure it wouldn’t at the time. I was pretty sure I was set. And if I had known, I would’ve been much more involved outside of the boy I was dating.
11. I wish someone had told me I don’t always have to wear the school colors.
Because I thought orange and blue were mandatory and wore them for a solid year before I realized that all of the other colors were still options.
12. I wish I had tried harder to find a church home in Auburn.
Because I would’ve met some really amazing people a lot sooner than I did.
13. I wish I had realized it was OK to embarrass yourself.
Because in all reality, it’s kind of celebrated in college. The sooner you can make yourself the butt of the joke, the sooner you’ll be accepted.
14. I wish I'd known not everyone came here to party.
Because contrary to popular belief, it's true. Some people actually came to college to learn, just like you. That doesn't mean you can't have fun with your friends, but parties are not a requirement.15. I wish I had known that talking to your professors was so easy.
Because when I started I thought they were all royalty and was terrified to approach any of them outside of class. I could’ve gotten a good bit of help early on if I had realized that’s exactly what they’re there for.
16. I wish I’d known not to compare my GPA with other people.
Because people in different majors, and people who think differently than you do will always have different GPAs than you do. That doesn’t make you better or worse than them.
17. I wish I had known it was OK to fail.
Because failure was my biggest fear. Failure in any form. And that’s exactly the point of college. It’s to mess up, fall flat on your face, fail an exam, pick yourself back up and try again. It’s to go after something and not get it the first time and have the stamina to try again. College is a chance to fail as many times as you need to (within reason) before you get out in the real world.
18. I wish I had known not to wish it all away.
Because the real world is coming at me much quicker than I’m ready for, and I would give anything to be an 18-year-old who has her entire college ahead of her again.