What To Look Forward To About The Fall Season | The Odyssey Online
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What To Look Forward To About The Fall Season

What To Look Forward To About The Fall Season

Goodbye to flip flops and shorts; hello, boots and jeans. 

When the school year starts, I begin my countdown for the fall season. For me, fall is a time to let your inner child come out. With fall starting this week, there are plenty of things to look forward to as we begin to stress about exams and projects.

Weather. Even though we are in southern California, I always look forward to the cool weather that comes with fall. I am getting over showing up to class sweating, just from walking 15 minutes across campus. I know the temperature does not change too drastically, but I still look forward to the slight cool down.

Clothing. You definitely need a stylish wardrobe to go along with the cooler weather. The main thing I think of when I get my fall wardrobe together is boots. I love the feeling of tossing my flips flops to the side and breaking in my new fall boots. I usually shop for my boots during the summer, so they have been waiting for me to wear them for four months. Another great thing about fall wardrobes is finally being able to wear pants! I have been dying to put on a pair of jeans or leggings, but it has just been way too hot.       

Halloween. Even though I am an adult in college, I still look forward to Halloween. However, I do not just look forward to the parties; I look forward to the costumes. I love trying to come up with funny and unique costumes. In college, there are always themed parties, but there is something about Halloween that just makes it more fun and festive to dress up.    

Going to the pumpkin patch. I know this sounds very childish, but I love going to the pumpkin patch. It not only brings up great childhood memories, but it is the best way to get your pumpkin to carve, which is one of my favorite things to do in the fall. I do not know about you, but I feel like people keep stepping up their pumpkin carving game. It used to be the basic jack-o-lantern face, but people put in a lot of creativity and work into their prized pumpkins. I use the pumpkin carving stencils since I am not very artistic.       

Thanksgiving. Turkey, stuffing and pie? Where is the wrong in this holiday? Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love to eat, so a holiday centered around a massive feast is definitely up my alley. But, let us not forget it is the time of year to reflect on what we are thankful for.      

Black Friday. Cheap stuff -- need I say more?      

Pumpkin spiced everything. I cannot write an article about the fall without talking about pumpkin spice. Everyone obsesses over pumpkin flavoring --pumpkin spiced bread, lotion, beer, and the most important one of all, the pumpkin spiced latte. I am sure you have already seen the Instagram posts of your friend’s Starbucks cup with the initials “PSL” on it. If there is one thing people look forward to in the fall, it is those darn lattes. 

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