Break The Stigma Surrounding Anxiety Disorder | The Odyssey Online
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Break The Stigma Surrounding Anxiety Disorder

What it is like having an anxiety disorder and how to cope with it.

Break The Stigma Surrounding Anxiety Disorder

We all get anxious at times in our life. It is a part of human nature and how our bodies function. Think about being anxious all day, every day. That might be hard to imagine but not for some. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S and affect 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older, or 18% of the population. These disorders develop from a complex set of risk factors, including genetics, brain chemistry, personality, and life events. What some people don’t know, is that anxiety is highly treatable. How can anxiety be treated? Well medications, therapy, and coping skills are all things that can help one with an anxiety disorder.

I think it is important for people to understand what it is like to deal with this every day or so. For instance, people with anxiety suffer from panic attacks. Symptoms of these are shortness of breath, sweaty hands, nausea, headaches, shaking, rapid heartbeat, and much more. People should be aware that saying “Oh just get over it. It isn’t a big deal. You’ll be fine”, while one is having a panic attack does not help one bit. It makes things worse. Trust me, I know because I suffer with anxiety myself. Everyone is a little different when it comes to them having these attacks. Some people like to be left alone and have space, where others want someone there to help them through it. For me, I like it when I have someone there to help me out. Ways you can help someone in the midst of their anxiety attack is to ask them if they need anything, tell them to take deep breaths (and do it with them), give words of encouragement to them such as “ You can get through this.”, and also stay calm yourself.

For me, it has been quite the journey dealing with anxiety, but I have been able to learn how to deal with it. Coping skills tend to help me the most. If I am feeling anxious I always like to use my favorite coping skill which is where you start with five things you hear, see, and feel. Then once you did five, you do four and so on. This is a great way to stop negative thoughts and relax. Therapy is always a great option for those with anxiety. Sometimes being able to talk to someone who can help you along the journey helps. Therapists are there to teach you coping skills or simply just listen to you. For those who suffer with anxiety, don’t expect it to get better overnight. It is a process and you have to do some of the work if you are willing to. I know that when my anxiety really started to affect me, I felt like it was going to be so hard to learn how to deal with it and I would never be able to. Don’t get me wrong, it is hard but it gets easier over time. Always take baby steps. Every little accomplishment counts and don’t forget to tell yourself good job every now and then because you deserve it.

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