I procrastinate. A lot. I mean a lot a lot. So much so that I am even procrastinating writing this.
I am a
In fact. The driver told me this last week.
Why thank you Sir! Don't mind if I do. Though. Who am I kidding. Yes. I do mind. But hey! Most of the time it is my only form of transportation.
I try to get off sometimes so I tell the driver
He won't have it.
Enough fun.
First off. As I demonstrated above. Procrastination. A lot of it.
I do a lot to procrastinate. If you're anything like me. You've done some or all of the following:
1. Make really ridiculous puns or dad jokes.
2. Google yourself
I googled my name with meme after it once...
3. Sing about how much you should stop procrastinating
4. Organize everything that you should be doing so you can do it "faster" later
5. Socialize with friends
6. Give up and go to sleep where you are. Literally.
7. See how big of a bubble you can blow
Only to end up like this
8. People watch
Not to mention you get to see a lot of people trying to get to class like this
9. Snacks. All the Snacks.
10. Dance on hillsides not caring about responsibilities
Then realize you can't avoid it
So you finally cave and 'open' your assignment
only to end up doing this
Then the big gun comes out
Tick tock tick tock
So you continue to sit around for a few more hours staring at the assignment
"Ok. I'm actually going to do this now."
Hahahahaha!. No.
You end up doing this instead
Then you ask yourself
"What are you doing?" "I'm typing angrily!" "Why?" "Because! I have to write this paper! And! I! Really! Don't! Want! To!"
Taking occasional breaks to day dream about things like this
Only to come back from the breaks to run into this
Making it so you have to calm yourself down so you can keep working
You finally have this
And then you do this
While going about your day like this
"Are you ok? You look dead."
Waiting for the moment you can do this
Only to wake up and realize you have to do it all over again for a different class