We are not normal. We crave abnormal amounts of information and need to write everything down. We are constantly thinking about how we can use life event to shape our next piece or looking out for the next big story. Being in any kind of relationship with us can get hard because we're in our heads a lot, with our thoughts or consumed by others' lives, but we have a lot to offer to the right person.
1. We need to know everything
It’s so satisfying to know everything. We are always so full of questions -- it’s a natural thing. Our curious minds wander from the simplest parts of you to the strangest that no one would think to ask about.
2. We will keep trying
If something doesn’t flow perfectly the first time, we go back and revise it. We don’t give up until it’s the right way, or it will irk us for forever and a day. So don't expect us to give up so easily in a relationship.
3. Our time is valuable
This might just be a thing with me, but I feel as though I'm wasting time if I'm not constantly doing something to further my passion. There's always something to write about or something to cover. So if I give you my time, know that it's special. Most people don't get a response back from me unless it's business related, but I'll always make time for the right person.
4. Our creativity is endless
Between coming up with interesting topic ideas within a matter of an hour or finding the best way to make tomorrow's story flow so that people will be interested, our minds are always working. Most times you can expect creative ways we gift you or show love, but also understand that we are at times brain dead, because we have completely worked ourselves out until our brains are fried.
5. We don't know when to stop
Going off of the above, we don't know when to take breaks. We don't really know how to calm down, either. This can be good for our writing, but you'll have to remind us sometimes that we need to sit back and relax. We won't know we are about to overwork ourselves until it's too late.
6. We worry about a lot, because we know the tendency of there being more than meets the eye
A lot of times, we'll go into a scene thinking we know exactly what is going on and what information we're most likely about to receive, but then everything is completely switched around, and we're completely wrong. Remember this when we freak out sometimes over little things. We just need reassurance that everything is OK.
7. We don't think practically
We see a lot from covering so many things. You would think this would ground us, but no, it makes us see that anything is possible. This tends to get us incredibly invested in the relationship, and we might think it'll last forever, even if you see the impending doom of it.
8. Words matter
Writers know this more than anything. People wouldn’t listen if they didn’t like our words, and words can change what something means entirely. We’ll always choose the correct way to tell you something, and you won’t have to question the meaning of it.
9. We don't always know what to say to you
You're special to us, and things special to you are hard to write about, even more so publicizing. We see what the negative audiences do to anything sentimental in the media, and we see the most cliche things. We fear negativity and being cliche. This is why you won't find us writing pieces on you or writing you personal love notes. Don't take it personally -- we just can't afford to mess this up.
10. Small details matter to us
We show our style in little details in our writing. What we include, what we asked, and how we asked it is important. This also means we look at things in a different light, so that thing you hate about yourself is something we probably love.
11. We need feedback
We need to know what you think on what we're doing, or we feel that we're doing it wrong. We have it misconstrued that if you're not talking about it or at least making a comment on it, it's not good enough. We see in the media that the article only matters if people are making commentary on it. Otherwise it's just something else we tried to put out there in a vain attempt.
12. We know what matters
Picking what content is important enough to run and what information to put in it helps us pick out what actually matters. We will give you a bunch of lovely fluff, but we also know the main goal and how to make you happy.
13. We go all in
We don’t do anything halfway. We either do it to its best potential or not at all. And again, we know what matters, so we wouldn’t even be in the relationship if it didn’t matter to us.
14. We're pleasers
Sure, some of our content is aimed to get things off of our chest, but we really think of what our readers would like most. Writing can be a selfish act, but we use it as a selfless form to inform and have the best interest of our readers in mind. We do the same in a relationship. We want to make you happy.