They say that the friends you make in college are the ones that you’ll have forever. While I don’t disagree with that statement, what are you supposed to do when those friends leave? Your family of friends is starting to disperse, and you’re left standing there, fending for yourself and hanging onto the memories that you used to have. Sure, you know those people will always be there for you when you need them, but soon, they’ll start to create their new memories. Without you.
It’s hard, and I’ll be the first to raise my hand and say that I have cried multiple times wishing that things were how they used to be. However, if one thing is for certain, this is a part of life. One day, I will be the one leaving.
In every situation, being left behind is the worst, but this is now your time to continue what your “clan” started. One of my best friends once told me, “The goal is for me to leave and have you continue to make this place even better. In turn, your goal should be to do that as well. You should always want the next person and group to be even better than you.” I always found that daunting because I couldn't fathom making anything "better" than how it already was.
To be honest, I’m still trying to figure it all out. However, it is important to remember that each day is a new day and you can try again tomorrow. New people will be placed in your path, and you will have the opportunities to help them grow in even bigger ways. Of course, your crew will always have the most special place in your heart, but as I am slowly but surely learning, it all works out in the end because you are never actually left behind. Proverbs 18:24 says, “There are "friends" who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother.” Life takes us in a million directions, but you will always find your way back home.