Kids notice a lot. They are natural-born observers, asking a seemingly endless stream of questions as they take in the world. However, as we find ourselves in a time filled with violence, hate and uncertainty, children seem to offer a glimmer of hope not for what they observe, but for what they do not see.
Skin color
Unless you make a point to show children of different races that they look different, they don't notice. They aren't born knowing that those with darker skin were enslaved, Asians contained, and Native Americans pushed aside by the fair-skinned Americans. Skin color is kind of like a rainbow to them. And who doesn't love a good rainbow?
Children don't understand the heavy controversy and hate between world religions so prevalent in today's society. They observe that some children's mommies wear beautiful scarves over their heads or that some kids go to a place called Sunday School on Sunday morning. Some families get presents during something called Hanukkah, while other kids find surprises under a big tree on a day called Christmas. They have no idea that people are blowing up entire cities in the name of their God or what a sin is. They just understand that religion is this thing that families celebrate in different ways.
They speak a common language of play. If another kid speaks in a tongue they don't understand, pointing does the trick. They're working on their own language too and soak up the languages around them. Hello, Hola, Bonjour, Aloha, it all means the same thing in the end.
I recently heard a boy ask the parent of a child with a muscular disorder why her son was wearing bright green braces on his legs. The mom simply explained that the braces helped the boy to be able to stand up and play easier. The child thought about this response for a second and responded by saying, "Green is my favorite color. Do you want to play hide and seek with me?" The only thing he understood was that those cool green braces helped the other boy to play, so he might as well play with him.