Thots, gold diggers, etc…this list is endless. The names of what we call young men and women today. Recently, we’ve begun to see more and more statuses about hooking up, or being friends with benefits, it’s an issue in today’s society that I believe should be addressed. This societal switch of not loving each other has become very recent and for the life of me I can’t figure out why.
There’s nothing attractive about having a no-strings-attached relationship with someone. Hook-up apps like Tinder, Grinder, Meet-me, POF they all support this lack of commitment to someone, and there’s no reason they should because strings are beautiful. Strings are late night Thai food runs, movie and dinner dates, cheesy pick-up lines, and even cheesier Valentine’s Day roses. Strings are cuddling at two a.m. and being taken care of after a severe panic attack. Strings show you that someone cares about your mind and soul, not just your body.
I believe that this is due to the divorce we see today. Almost 50 percent of married couples divorce, separate, or need marriage counseling. Those odds aren’t the greatest and it’s a scary thought to have to think about. Young people today see these couples and they get scared and don’t let themselves attach to others as easily as they should. It’s sad and a depressing thought that couples aren’t even giving on another a real chance due to scary statistics.
We need to come together and learn to love each other, whether we are sleeping with someone or not. We need to become neighborly and friendly again. We need to love everyone and open our hearts to the idea that someone out there can love me. And yea, it’s a terribly scary thought that someone can break you and leave you shattered and that you may not be able to recover, but that’s life, and if you aren’t going to live it to its fullest, you’re wasting a precious gift that you have been granted. We are standing on a round rock floating in space with more than 7 billion people on it and don’t you want to experience that with someone?
Go and wear your heart on your sleeve, because even if it gets crushed, you can find someone to fix you and build you back up. Love is beautiful; love yourself, love your neighbor, love someone who will treasure your smile, but most of all love life and cherish it for all it’s worth. Don’t waste it by hooking up with meaningless people… not when the one you’re meant for is out there waiting for you.