I remember one day when I was younger, I was standing in line at Borders (that is a very old fashioned sentence) with my dad. I had picked out a book that I wanted to read, and while in line I opened the book to take a peek at the last few pages. I was curious, and the cover of the book had me worried. I wanted to make sure that the book wouldn't have a sad ending. To my relief, the last few sentences reassured me that the ending did not have the outcome I was fearing. However, my dad saw me peeking and then chastised me for reading ahead; he said that it was better to wait and find out what happens.
A few years later, I was reading the sixth Harry Potter book, and a kid at the camp I was attending told me Dumbledore died. I remember being a little shocked at first, but kept on reading. When I told my dad later that day when I got home, he got mad that it had been spoiled for me. I really didn't mind, it didn't affect how much I liked the book, and when I finally did get to that part, I was kind of glad that I knew. I have learned over the years that when I am reading a fast paced or intense scene, I read through it so fast that I miss stuff. Because I knew that Dumbledore would ultimately die, I was able to slow down and actually read what was happening, instead of racing through in order to find out what happens.
A lot of times my family picks on me for rereading books and re-watching movies, I love to take in and analyze every detail, and it is simply impossible to do that in the first read or viewing. Usually, the second time I watch a movie is my favorite, because I'm not focused on figuring out what's going to happen next. Instead, I can focus on the acting, the characters, the score, the writing, the cinematography, and the effects. When I read a book for the second time, I usually find that there will be lines that I skipped the first time because I was reading so fast.
When "Captain America: Civil War" was announced, I was very afraid that my favorite character in the franchise was going to be killed off. So, when the movie came out, I read early reviews and went on Tumblr to find out. I didn't get spoiled on anything major, other than the fact that none of the main characters died. This allowed me to go into the movie excited, instead of scared.
In the world of the internet, we are now accustomed to being able to find an answer for all of our questions in less than a minute. This also means, that when a new TV show, movie, or book comes out, reviews and spoilers are up just a few hours later. If you are someone who likes spoilers, this is a good thing. All the information is easily accessible.
For people who don't like spoilers, this is problem. For example, I tried my best to see the new "Star Wars" knowing nothing. A few days before I saw it, I logged on to Tumblr and saw a spoiler regarding Kylo Ren's parentage. Sometimes, when you want to avoid spoilers, it is simply impossible because the internet is a minefield. Your only solution is to not log in to social media for a few days.
Times have changed, instead of being spoiled by someone accidentally telling you out loud, or simply reading ahead, you can be spoiled by the everyday task of going online. Spoilers are literally everywhere, and because of the internet I know a lot about movies and TV shows I've never watched and books I've never read. Now, articles are published leading with the words "SPOILER ALERT," where the reader has to make the quick decision to either look away or continue reading and risk seeing the dreaded spoiler.
This new trend of spoilers is something that I've quickly gotten used to; if I see a spoiler I didn't want to see, there's nothing I can do about it, and in the end it never affects how I like the actually source material. I no longer feel that sudden moment of panic that I ruined something for myself, where I look something like this:
Now, I just shrug and move on. Because the internet, and spoilers, are obviously here to stay. So we might as well take advantage of it.