I tell people all the time that I was born in the wrong state. Ohio is not my ideal place in terms of weather and location. It is way too indecisive. And cold. And most importantly, it’s not by the ocean. Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy the occasional trip up to Lake Erie, but it’s not quite the same. As much as I love the area that I live in, I would much rather spend my day soaking up rays while lying in the warm sand than taking a lawn chair, a blanket, an umbrella and a couple extra layers just in case, because you can never be too prepared, and sit in my backyard looking at grass.
I don’t know what it is, but I just find myself in a much better mood when I’m at the beach. The sun fuels my positivity, radiates through my personality and I just exude happiness. Sun-kissed is my shade of choice, hot is my preferred temperature, tanning is my favorite past time and the waves are just incredibly relaxing.
There is something about being in paradise that just feeds my soul and inspires me in so many ways. It is so peaceful and spiritual, more than I could ever explain. Feeling the warmth on my face and smelling the salt water as it lightens my hair never fails to put a smile on my face and I just lay there, feeling that I am in a completely other world, but amazed at the fact that it is the beauty of what God has created.
With some country music playing in the background, just give me a big floppy hat, an adorable bathing suit and a margarita and I am set to soak up some Vitamin Sea because I, for one, belong on the beach. Always.