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6 Ways To Stay Organized Throughout The Semester

Organization is key to getting decent grades.

Photo by Pinho . on Unsplash

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We all know the hardships of keeping ourselves in order while dealing with the chaos of college. Factors such as procrastination and overwhelmingness can just be enough to make you feel like a mess. It's definitely possible to get through the semester—and do well—without these tips, but these are just some helpful ones that might make it a bit easier.

1. Bullet Journal

A bullet journal is essential as a method of journaling and note-taking that uses bullet points as the core structure. You can probably use this to plan out everything else on this list. These types of journals are often used for monthly logs, to-do lists, homework, etc. I, specifically, use it to record important notes to keep me up-to-date with everything I need to do.

2. Color Coordinate EVERYTHING

Okay, this might not seem that important, but it is really helpful. Using different colors to label different subjects or different levels of importance can be enough to let you view things in perspective. For example, I match up colors with different courses I'm taking this semester: orange for Economics, blue for Government, green for Forensics, and so on.

3. Plan Out Your Day

Planning out your day the night before or even the morning of can assure you of things you need to do to be productive, and even make you look forward to the day ahead. It lets you figure out how much time you have in the day to do things, and lets you prioritize certain needs.

4. Have An Agenda

In elementary school, they used to give all of the students school-themed agendas to write down their homework, upcoming tests, and notes to parents. It was the school's way of teaching us how to stay organized from a young age. Nowadays, I use my agenda to know what to do the day-of. I usually list each subject, and then write down what work needs to be done for each class.

5. Mark Important Dates on A Calendar

This is an important one and well, easy. All you have to go is go through all your syllabi and mark down when you have tests or assignments due.

6. Keep Your Room As Clean As Possible

"Clutter in your physical surroundings will clutter your mind and spirit." A quote from Kaneisha Grayson's website perfectly encompasses the purpose of a clean room. It can be as simple as making your bed when you get up in the morning or taking out the trash every week. Having an organized closet and desk can make it easier for you to do your daily activities. Also, cleaning can be a stress-free activity to keep your mind away from all the homework you have to do.

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