6. Read affirmations in the mirror | The Odyssey Online
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8 Ways To Instantly Feel Like The Baddest Of Bitches

Because you deserve to sing, "I just took a DNA test, turns out I'm 100% that bitch," with no care in the world for how you look.

8 Ways To Instantly Feel Like The Baddest Of Bitches
Emma Laughlin

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Listen, we all have those days. You know, the ones where you wake up in a bad mood. The ones where your skin isn't flawless, your hair isn't cooperating or someone put you down mentally.

I get it, but here are eight quick ways to feel better and remember that you are perfectly you even on the hardest of days.

1. Listen to some music

For me, the number one way to instantly feel more confident is listening to some music.

My personal favorites are upbeat songs that I know every word to. As much as I love songs that put me in my feels, on my tough days I only listen to songs that inspire independence or self-confidence. Think Lizzo's "Truth Hearts," or Ariana Grande's "7 Rings."

Instant bad girl energy.

2. Take a long shower or bath

In times where you are feeling down or insecure, taking care of yourself is key.

Go big with a beautiful bubble bath with your favorite scent or bath bomb. Close your eyes and let your overthinking go.

If you want to save your water or aren't a bath type of person, clean, scrub, exfoliate and wash away the toxic energy and thoughts filling your head in a hot shower.

You are going to feel cleansed and at least a *little* more ready to take on the day.

3. Practice your favorite hobby

Make the day all about you. Do your favorite thing, favorite hobby.

For me, it is drawing. When I draw I feel like I transcend into a whole new universe where no one can hurt me and the only opinion that matters is mine. Whatever hobby makes you feel that way, do it on the days where you're feeling the worst.

It will help build your self-esteem and it can be all about you. Whether it's drawing, journaling, hiking or just scrolling through Netflix, knowing you don't have to focus on others can be very freeing.

4. Work out

Working out is a sure way of feeling instantly like a hot girl this summer.

It is scientifically proven that working out over periods of time can enhance our mood and state of mind thanks to the releasing of endorphins.

Blast "Fergalicious" if you're really trying to bring out your inner Fergie in the gym! It is healthy for the mind, body and soul if done correctly.

5. Doll yourself up

Sometimes putting on your favorite outfit and taking time on your hair and makeup can instantly make you feel like the most attractive human being on Earth.

Of course, we all know that you do not need the material things to be attractive, but if you need that extra boost and you don't typically depend on it, have at it!

6. Read affirmations in the mirror

Look at yourself. REALLY look at yourself in the mirror.

Tell yourself what you like about yourself, talk out loud and do not be self-deprecating. Starting in the morning or at night before bed just talk to yourself and list the things you like about yourself, what you deserve and what you hope to manifest.

Positive thoughts simply lead to positive outcomes.

7. Volunteer your time

Giving to others is the best way to help ourselves. Go out there and help your community if you truly want to feel better about yourself and the world around you.

Whether that is picking up trash in a local park, dog walking, babysitting, volunteering at a soup kitchen or even being vocal about social issues online, your difference means the world to someone. Your impact is huge and is a win-win. You help others and yourself.

Community Service Queen.

8. Set goals for yourself

I like to write three SMART goals a week for myself. SMART goals are goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. I never set myself up for failure when it comes to writing these goals down.

The purpose is to get them done. Even the smallest of tasks feel like the biggest feat, especially when you're having one of those days, weeks or months when you just don't feel as confident.

Ultimately, there is something that everyone can do to cheer themselves up. For me, these eight ways have worked in the past and I know they will work in the future, too.

No matter what, whether you practice these techniques or not it is important to remember that EVERYONE is insecure at times. EVERYONE has bad days. However, not everyone can cope with those times. Find what works for you and be your very best, bad bitch self.

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