I've always observed and admired how well so many people around me seem to have it all together. They get good grades, their hair lays just right, their t-shirts don't wrinkle, and the way they walk leads everyone to believe that they know just what to do and how to do it. They give off a vibe that's free of worry and full of fearlessness.
But let's be real for just a second- life is hard. Nobody gets everything right. The people with hair that lays just right probably spend hours on it. The un-wrinkled t-shirts were likely changed into last minute after the first shirts got coffee stains on them. Nobody can be perfect. At least not all the time.
If you aren't messing up, and if things aren't going wrong, that's not life. That's existence, but that's not living.
If you fail a test, study harder. Rock the sleepy-eyed, coffee-stained t-shirt look. Don't be afraid to be wrong. Let people know how you feel.
No one will ever be a life expert.
Messing up is the fun part, not being perfect.
Being good at life doesn't mean getting everything right.