1. It's the funniest pageant show I have seen so far | The Odyssey Online
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5 Views From A Pageant Girl's Mind On 'Insatiable'

Because who doesn't like to binge a new series?

5 Views From A Pageant Girl's Mind On 'Insatiable'

Netflix just released a new show starring Debbie Ryan and I CAN'T GET ENOUGH. I wanted to stop watching, but I couldn't. It's about a young girl who goes from being overweight to skinny over summer vacation before her senior year of high school. She then becomes interested in competing in pageants to seek revenge on those who made fun of her while she was overweight. it went from zero to 100 real quick in its one season, but totally worth it.

1. It's the funniest pageant show I have seen so far


This show pokes fun at all of the parts of pageantry. Even as a pageant girl, I can't help but laugh along with the show and have a good time. I actually think it's helped me laugh off some of the Miss America 2.0 changes.

2. It's all about a girl finding out who she is


Everybody loves a good underdog. When a girl is just figuring out who she is and makes mistakes, it's all too real for us all. I can connect with the main character, Patty, on SO MANY LEVELS. From body changes to having all of the odds stacked against her, it's just so relatable even with all of the weird twists and turns.

3. It shows us what sisterhood IS NOT


Yes, some girls can be crazy and wild with pageants, but I have had nothing but positive experiences. I have never seen sabotage like I have in this show. From kidnappings to murder, it has all of the drama you'd ever need. It was so interesting to see the extremes the show went to. I know, at least I would hope, that none of my Miss America sisters would be like this.

4. It was very unrealistic

This show wasn't something that could even come close to being real in real life. Yes, pageants are real and so is high school, but the extremes of the show really keep you on your toes. When a show is that dramatic, it's going to raise eyebrows. I know it had a lot of buzz around it regarding the fact that Debbie Ryan's character went from fat to skinny and the bullying aspects of the show, but nobody ever told us how unrealistic it would be.

5. It a buzz worthy show, but not always the good kind of buzz

As someone who has a platform that pertains to body confidence and self-love, this show is a hot mess. The main character, Patty, played by Debbie Ryan, gets called fat by a homeless guy and ends up getting punched by him in the jaw. This results in her getting her jaw wired shut and then her losing 70 pounds over a summer. I get it, girls will lose weight over the summer, but at no point should that mean that they become a revenge-filled human.

As someone who lost 35 pounds for Miss North Dakota, I know that it is so hard to see yourself in a different body. You can't help but still see all of your flaws even when you've accomplished your weight goal. It's hard, body dysmorphia is beyond real and this series shows that. It's really messed up how they do, but they show Patty's struggles and let downs. I am not saying it's perfect and I agree with everything on the show, but I can relate to the shame and guilt felt by Patty.

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