"Scream (1996)." | The Odyssey Online
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5 Horror Films Perfect For Your Valentine's Day Date

They say fear gets the endorphins flowing, but endorphins can be scary.

5 Horror Films Perfect For Your Valentine's Day Date

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Valentine's Day is the perfect time for a romantic date night. A fancy dinner, a bouquet of roses, a night in watching a film... What's the worst that could happen? Horror films are notoriously good first date ideas because they give an excuse for the "arm behind the head" tactic, especially when your date is terrified. Grab a blanket and your significant other, because these films are sure to get you in the perfect Valentine's mood.

"Scream (1996)."


The romance between Sidney Prescott and Billy Loomis (and, arguably, Stu Macher) is iconic in modern horror due to the twist ending. What could be a better way to spend Valentine's than watching Ghostface tear up a bunch of annoying high school kids while Sidney and Billy argue over their high school relationship issues? The ending will have you and your date shocked, so grab some popcorn.

"My Bloody Valentine (1981 or 2009)."


The original "My Bloody Valentine" and the 2009 3D remake are both suitable for a position on this list, so why not watch both? While the original has that classic eighties slasher feel to it, the remake has 3D gore and Jensen Ackles. Honestly, what more could you ask for? Blood and murder is a great way to set the mood for the night, and if that doesn't work, at least you'll still have Jensen Ackles.

"The Crow (1994)."


While "The Crow" isn't technically a horror movie (more of a supernatural revenge flick), it's still one of the best love stories out there. If you think true love isn't real, this movie will definitely give you a run for your money. Eric Draven and Shelly Webster are yet another iconic horror couple who will make you question whether you've really experienced true love. After all, Eric's love for Shelly is undying.

"The Conjuring (2013)."


I know, I know. Ed and Lorraine Warren's relationship was a bit fabricated by this series. However, this badass ghost-hunting couple turned out to have one of the coolest love stories I've ever seen played out on the screen. Sure, communicating with the dead isn't one of the most romantic hobbies, but it works for them. Maybe after the film, you can play a game of "Hide and Clap" with your significant other.

"Crimson Peak (2015)."


Of course, no romantic movie list would be complete without "Crimson Peak." Sir Thomas Sharpe (played by Tom Hiddleston) is a rich, handsome man who takes a liking to an exceedingly simple woman. Ah, isn't greed beautiful? While Thomas and Edith fall deeper in love, the spirits in their mansion grow stronger. This is a great film to watch with a fiancé, especially one with a large mansion and a mysterious backstory. Just make sure not to drink your sister-in-law's tea.

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