Jessica Morgan on Odyssey Jessica Morgan
Jessica Morgan

Jessica Morgan

Username: jessmorgan86

Joined in February 2018

  • About
    I am a wanderer, a ragamuffin, a seeker of Truth in any way it presents itself, a weight loss/gain "expert", a lover of iced coffee, hiking, deep conversation, children and youth, reading, writing, and the stories of others. Pride, depression, self-doubt, and self-esteem are my struggles. I have no qualms about owning how I struggle and believe strongly in being "open" with our lives, so that others might gain insight. I'm constantly learning and growing and know that I will NEVER arrive. I have struggled recently with lots of big losses in my life and am learning how to work through those with Grace and Strength. My faith is rooted firmly in God, and though my trust may sway I always turn back to that above all else.

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