APNJA on Odyssey APNJA


Username: APNJA

Joined in September 2021


    At GAIA Mushroom Tinctures our select mushrooms and herbs have been employed by healers for thousands of years. They are well documented in many of humankind's earliest written medicinal texts, from Greece, Rome and much farther back, well over 4,000 years ago. Many mushrooms and herbs are powerful immune regulators and adaptogens.

    At GAIA Tinctures we use only premium quality plants and fruiting bodies of real mushrooms and real herbs, all wild harvested from the wide open Maine Forests. Our materials are never grown or bought. Wild harvesting ensures that your tinctures provide the widest possible benefits to your health, just as nature intended. The potency of our organic mushroom and herb tinctures is legendary. Always sustainably harvested from the pristine Maine Wilderness.


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