Update on My 105 Day Detox
Since I started my boy detox when I got home from school on the first of May, I’m technically not a full month in, but I think I'm close enough for an update. Here’s a quick little update for how my time is going in case anyone was wondering. Spoiler alert: I’m having a love-hate time. Some days I wake up and love everything. I’m not depending on anyone but myself for happiness. Other days I wake up and just want to stay in bed until August comes around. I mean I can totally handle my own, but sometimes it’s nice having a companion to do cute summer things with. Anyways, here’s my update.
Body: The roughly first week of this journey was great. I was staying active and eating healthy. I drank about a gallon of water a day. I was on fire. I loved how I felt. I loved how I looked. I loved everything about my body. Now, I’ve been slacking. While I still drink plenty of water, I don’t work out as often and having access to junk food 24/7 hasn’t been the best. I’m still trying my best though!
Mind: My self-talk has improved. I’m talking to myself in a more positive way. Well I’m more positive in general. Now that I’m working, I’m too busy or too tired to beat myself up. I also have to stay cheerful when working so that helps too. I’ve been dressing a lot better for work which is great because I’m a firm believer in if you look good, you feel good (which has been happening lately).
Spiritual: This one has been tough since I’m busier than I’m used to, but I’m really trying. I read my bible and I bought a devotional to help me along my journey. I make time every day to sit down and read my bible. I’m also doing a girl’s bible study with some close friends this summer, so that really helps make sure I’m spending time with the Lord.
So far it’s been a beneficial experience. I just hope I can make it the rest of the summer.