Do you ever find yourself in the spot where you thought you were going to bed early but then wind up staying up much later than you thought?
Don't worry, we've all been there, but there are typically phases of staying up late that lead to the bad decision of staying up past the sunrise. Whether it be the new Netflix shows that you just have to finish or a sudden urge to reorganize every single one of your kitchen cabinets, we've all had sleepless nights that most definitely weren't planned for and almost definitely ruin our next day.
1. 8:45 p.m. "I'm tired, but I shouldn't go to bed too early."
It's a little earlier than most would want to go to sleep, there's still so much of the day left to go through. There doesn't seem any issue staying up a few more hours and getting some work done for the next day. It is nearly harmless to do so because you'll still be as ready to fall asleep in a little bit.
2. 11:15 p.m. "It's a little before midnight, I probably have time to watch another episode."
So you started watching Netflix rather than doing anything productive, but that's not bad! It's not even midnight yet! You still have time to get a good night's rest as long as you go to sleep after this next episode.
3. 12:00 a.m. "I need to finish this show tonight."
4. 3:30 a.m. "I should rearrange my entire room!! And do the dishes and cleaning the entire house. Oh! I should cook all the food I've wanted to cook since I moved out of my parent's house. I should start drawing again, too! I can do anything."
Suddenly, you have an urge to do everything and you can't even remember a time when you were tired. Why don't you always feel this motivated? Doesn't matter, you are gonna change your life for the better starting right now.
5. 3:35 a.m. "I have no motivation to do any of that right now or ever."
Your motivation is gone and your depression is here.
6. 4:45 a.m "Please... God... Let me sleep..."
Suddenly, your exhaustion has come back around but your will to sleep hasn't yet to be found. You are saying as many prayers you can think of right now, but you can't fall asleep. Honestly, death sounds better than this torture you are going through.
7. 6:30 a.m. "Oh god... Why is the sun rising?"
At least you are finally falling asleep, now, though. Finally.