5. Laughing at (or being) that over-ambitious guy that can't handle the weight he picked. | The Odyssey Online
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20 Uncomfortably Hilarious Moments Everyone Has At The Gym During 'The New Year New Me' Phase

We've all been there.

20 Uncomfortably Hilarious Moments Everyone Has At The Gym During 'The New Year New Me' Phase

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A gym is quite a strange place. Some people go there to strictly workout and get out of there as quickly as they can with as little interaction as possible. Others go to scope out the potential love interests and try to pick up an unexpected date for Friday night.

Regardless of what you're there for, everyone is sweating, wearing skin-tight clothing, and displaying their strength all while grunting and panting. It's bound to be a place of awkward energy and confused hormones.

1. That naked person who wants to tell you their life story in the locker room.


2. Being the person lifted instead of lifting


3. Checking out the insanely ripped person you're trying to become.


4. Wanting to be completely in sync during the Zumba class but failing miserably.


5. Laughing at (or being) that over-ambitious guy that can't handle the weight he picked.


6. The two obviously different types of people at the gym.


7. How you feel after being there for 90 seconds.


8. The nearly impossible task of looking away from the insanely good-looking person in short-shorts.


9. The look you see the two fittest people exchanging.


10. When your jam comes on in the gym and you MUST kick it into overdrive.


11. The person who blatantly uses the equipment wrong but has zero fucks (it's probably you).


12. Trying something new but missing the mark.




14. When you master a new workout form perfectly.


15. Spotting the token Pilates person in the corner doing this exercise.


16. How it feels to walk into the gym with your bud.

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17. Versus finishing up a workout at the gym with your bud.


18. The real thoughts going through 99% of people's heads.


19. Trying to be discreet about never working out a day in your life.


20. Attempting to crush those abs but really they crush you.


Between desperately wishing your elliptical neighbor would wear some deodorant or just feeling like a total loser with your 2lb weights, the gym is the perfect ground for awkward encounters.

You should be proud of yourself for putting on your brave shoes, banishing your tendency to stay in bed to binge watch the new season of Shameless, and actually making it to the gym to push it, even if you do look like a tool the entire time. Just kidding, you're doing great kid. Keep it up!

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