UF Student Spotlight: Duke TIP Program | The Odyssey Online
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UF Student Spotlight: Duke TIP Program

UF Student Spotlight: Duke TIP Program

Are you a student looking for an awesome internship

opportunity to teach for one of the largest nonprofit organizations dedicated to serving academically gifted and talented youth?

Well, Duke TIP might be the answer for you. Being
able to hear more about it from a University of Florida Student first-hand might even be the push you need to apply! 

Who directed your attention to this internship opportunity?

Marie Farmer, a Junior at the University of Florida, was first told about this internship opportunity from her UF Undergraduate Mock Trial Team (UF Litigators) Coach, Dr. Laura Sjoberg. This opportunity was made available and she immediately jumped on the it. The online application process entailed general background information, a professional cover letter, resume and three references. Upon review of this application, she was awarded an interview through Skype to further examine her desire to be a part of this program.   

What program are you participating in? 

Marie chose to apply to be a teaching assistant for the “Mock Trial” course. This course will examine fundamental topics of law, including the criminal and civil justice system, rules of evidence, eyewitness testimony, civil rights, and challenges to constitutional law. Students will learn to apply the principles and practices of courtroom trials, experiment with the art of litigation as prosecutors and defenders, and consider challenges inherent in seeking justice. Students will read and understand precedent-setting decisions made by the Supreme Court and discuss the Supreme Court's role in interpreting constitutional law as well as practice using case methods while enhancing their research and public speaking skills.   

What previous experiences do you have that are relevant to this internship? 

Marie is a second year competing member of the UF Undergraduate Mock Trial Team (UF Litigators). During the course of these past two years, Marie has had the opportunity to serve as an opening attorney and witness in over 5 tournaments across the Southeastern United States. On top of that, this year, the UF Litigators earned their first bid to the National Championship Tournament in Orlando, in which she served as a competing member. Along with her Mock Trial experience, Marie’s law experience branches out further as she previously shadowed Judge Peter Estrada, a judge of the Tenth Judicial Circuit Court in her hometown of Sebring, Florida. Relating to her work with children, Marie was a very avid volunteer teacher/ caretaker in her hometown church teaching children ages 2 to 12.   

Why did you choose to apply for this? 

She chose to apply for this opportunity because of her love of Mock Trial. During the past two years, Marie feels as though she has gained a vast amount of deeper knowledge into the workings of the law and the legal system. Mock Trial has also served as a networking outlet to countless judges, lawyers, and other professionals in the legal field. With this opportunity, Marie feels she will have a chance to further her knowledge under another faculty member of Duke TIP, while spreading her previous knowledge to her summer students. Alongside her love of the legal field and Mock Trial, Marie has always had a passion for teaching and mentoring. Having an equal love of the two, Duke TIP seemed like a perfect fit for her.   

Where is this internship opportunity taking you? 

Marie will be serving as a teaching assistant at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. Trinity University is a private, primarily undergraduate, liberal arts college that was founded in 1869 with over 2,245 undergraduate and 200 graduate students, offering over 42 majors and 57 minors among 6 different degree programs. Other program locations were offered as well, such as Duke University, Wake Forest University, the University of Georgia, the University of Kansas, Rice University and more.  

How long will this internship be for?

This course is offered two Summer terms (Terms 1 and 2) starting on June 3rd and ending on July 27th. Each week will consist of 40 hours of teaching and supervising students, excluding Sundays.

This program offers employment opportunities in varying subjects all across the U.S, which include the arts, humanities, social sciences, science, technology and math.   

So if you love to teach and you are interested in an opportunity to spread the wealth of your knowledge in a particular area, look into Duke TIP.

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