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The 7 Deadly Types Of Toxic Friends To Avoid At All Costs

Save yourself the heartache and avoid these so-called "friends."

The 7 Deadly Types Of Toxic Friends To Avoid At All Costs
Pexels - https://www.pexels.com/photo/women-lying-checking-phone-163112/

Growing up as a girl is extremely tough. You have to deal with fake friends, rumors, feeling left out and so much more. Growing up, I wish I knew that it was OK to only have a few real friends rather than a dozen fake ones.

Know what to look out for. Save yourself the heartache and avoid these so-called "friends."

1. The Friend Hopper

This girl will have a new best friend every few months. This should make you question her loyalty. I'm all for making new friends, but it is totally possible to do so without dropping the ones you already have.

It makes it extremely hard to open up to someone just for them to leave a few months later and become a stranger who carries around all your secrets.

2. The Trash Talker

"If they talk bad about people to you, they'll talk bad about you as well." Remember this.

Everybody needs to vent every now and then, and that's fine. But if your friend is constantly trash-talking girls she claims to love and care about, odds are she is doing the same to you.

3. The Boy Lover

These girls can be the best friends ever... until they get a boyfriend, and then it's the back burner for you. The attention from guys or a boyfriend will always come before a friendship with you. Every time the relationship fails, she'll come crawling back.

This isn't fair to you. But you accept her back with open arms anyway because of the good heart you have.

4. The Competitor

News flash: Friends should be happy for your successes!

If a friend is so insecure that she wants to see you fail, this isn't a friend worth having in your life. A real friend will rejoice in your success instead of secretly hoping you'll fail so she doesn't get left behind.

5. The Self-Centered Friend

Friendships are a two-way street, but this girl will make it feel like you're pulling all the weight. You'll constantly be there to hear about her bad days, stick up for her and do whatever she asks.

But when you need something, she disappears. Your problems will never be as important as hers. You'll find yourself knowing so much about her life and her problems while you don't even bother telling her about yours. Deep down, you know she doesn't care.

6. The Backhand Complimenter

Ever hear a "compliment" that feels like a slap in the face? That's this girls specialty. She will try to put you down, but she'll do it in a way that is disguised as a compliment or joke so you can't get mad.

Your friends should never make you feel bad about yourself. Ever.

7. The Controller

This type of friend wants you to hang out with her and only her. She wants to know everything you do, and if she doesn't approve, it isn't happening.

This sounds very elementary but it still happens. It is very unhealthy and exhausting, so be cautious.

Hopefully, this not only gives you a list of friends to avoid but also makes you aware of the kind of friend you don't want to be. Take a look in the mirror and make sure you can't be described as one of these friends yourself.

Life is hard, and your friendships are incredible things to lean on. I got extremely lucky with mine.

A true friend is rare. When you find one, hold on.

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