The start of the month of December marks the beginning of the winter holiday season (unless you're one of those people that bring our decorations in October) and everything that comes with it. If your in college, the beginning of December also marks the beginning of Finals season. One of the special times of the year when students suffer both slowly and painfully, can only be depicted accurately through one art form: Gifs. Below, you will find a (hopefully) accurate guide as to how one should react in certain situations, and how one actually acts in these circumstances.
1. When your friends try to get you to go out the weekend before finals
HOW YOU SHOULD REACT: Turn down any attempts to will distract you from studying.
HOW YOU ACTUALLY REACT: Says "I can take a small break" and disappears for the rest of the night.
2. When you know you have to go to the library to study
HOW YOU SHOULD REACT: Head straight to the library with a study group and use every resource available.
HOW YOU ACTUALLY REACT: Disappear, no one knows where you are. If you ignore the fact that you need to study, do you really need to study?
3. How prepared you feel before taking a final
HOW YOU SHOULD REACT: You are ready for anything your prof may throw at you. Everyone is impressed.
HOW YOU ACTUALLY REACT: You haven't been to this class all semester "Don't look at me, don't ask me any question other than my name."
4. Right before you take a final
HOW YOU SHOULD REACT: Keep calm, take a few deep breaths, it won't be that bad.
HOW YOU ACTUALLY REACT: Panic. You can't deal with this. You disappear. No one hears or sees from you again.
As we approach finals week, while it is important that we all remember everything that we learned over the course of the semester, we should also keep in mind that it does no good to take finals whilst being stressed and on 20 minutes of sleep. Remember to take a deep breath, get enough sleep, eat food that's good for you. Take the week before finals to complete any and all work that can be done ahead of time. Good luck!