20 Things You Learn By The Time You Reach Your Infamous 20s
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20 Things You Learn By The Time You Reach Your Infamous 20s

Yes guys, your mental health DOES matter. Breath in and out, relax for a second because your mental well-being is important to your overall health.

20 Things You Learn By The Time You Reach Your Infamous 20s

Last Monday, I turned the big ole 20-years old. If I may say, it was quite uneventful and I'm itching to be 21 next year, but I did learn a couple things. Living in this interesting and scary world, lessons were guaranteed to catch on after a time or two. Boys, friends, food and money were a few lessons I learned throughout my 20-years of life, which has honestly flown by and came too quick. I guarantee I'll be looking back in 10 years to the future as a 30-year old while using my flying car to get to the mall and laugh at this list. Hopefully, a few of you can learn from this list or laugh, whatever you choose.

1. Friends aren't forever.

I’ve realized that not every friend that you were close to six months ago, a year ago or five years ago, will last a lifetime. Friends are temporary at times, and it’s okay.

2. Growing up is inevitable.

Yes, you’ve probably heard this a million times, but we all have to grow up eventually. So, saddle up kids because you’ll have bills to pay and debt on your mind.

3. Don't rely on your metabolism.

Eating pizza and hamburgers everyday maybe delicious, but that doesn’t mean it’ll have its side effects.

4. Save your money.

I used to spend money like tomorrow never existed. Moving $25 or even $10 to your savings account can make a difference in the long run.

5. Always be you.

It took until about last year to realize that being unapologetically me is fundamental to happiness and developing lasting connections.

6. Wear whatever you wan

I remember being 14 years old and fearful of wearing a certain outfit to school in worry of what others would say. Clothes are meant to be expressive, don’t worry!

7. Hair is overrated.


Countless hours used to be spent doing my hair every week attempting to make it look presentable. Cutting my hair into a pixie cut has saved so much time getting ready.

8. Stop caring about others.

A majority of times, most individuals will forget about what happened 10 minutes ago that may seem so embarrassing to you. Loosen up, it’s no big deal.

9. Your parents are sometimes right.

Okay, okay, just hear me out, I’ve realized that most things they tell you not to do end up in consequences. So, maybe listen to your parents every once in a while.

10. Try new things.

I’m a person who enjoys a strict routine, but branching out is important in life. Try new things, even if it may be scary at times.

11. Laughing is the best medicine.


Laugh more, not to be incredibly cheesy, but try it. Laughing about something small can help you out of a rut in life.

12. Kindness is important.

Being nice is easy and rewarding. A simple compliment, small gesture, or even paying for a friends meal on a night out is a fulfilling task to the soul.

13. One Direction won’t last forever.

Oh so sad, I know, but as a naive child, I believed they would be a band until the end of time. Sadly deceived, my hopes were crushed.

14. Keep good people around you.

I know, so corny but I’ve been friends with the same people for years. These people are the ones I can trust, laugh, cry, and talk about nonsense for hours with.

15. Looks don't last.

Ladies and gents, you will eventually learn that looks fade in the long run. Just because he looks like Zac Efron’s twin, doesn’t mean that he’s a great person to be with.

16. Treat yo' self.

Treat yourself to something nice every once in a while. It doesn’t hurt to take a little time out of your day to improve your well-being.

17. Mental health matters.

Yes guys, your mental health DOES matter. Breath in and out, relax for a second because your mental well-being is important to your overall health.

18. Don’t always rely on extra credit.

In High school when my grades were in the dumps I would always rely on extra credit. Now, as a college student, I’ve realized that teachers aren’t so generous with extra credit.

19. Being frugal is necessary.

As a college student, watch where your money goes. Going to Chipotle every day may not be a good financial decision when you’re running out of money.

20. Take a little time to enjoy the view.

I know, I know, CORNY, but enjoy life for a moment. Look at your surroundings and be grateful because you may think everything isn’t perfect, but you’ll miss it when it’s gone.

Hopefully, you learned a thing or two while reading "20 things I learned by 20". What an adventure it was to turn 20-years old and be able to walk everyone through my life. It was hard, funny, monumental if I must say but I would never take it back because turning 20 has been amazing.

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