It's 2018!
Let that sink in, and be prepared to erase 2017 a million times until, like, August once you finally remember what year it is. With that being said, a new year comes new opportunities! Here is 12 things to be excited for this year.
January: A chance to start over
New year, new faces at the gym. Am I right?
February: The Super Bowl
After the cold, dark winter... let there be light. AKA daylight savings
April: Easter
Or, if you're not into Easter, there's also Arbor Day, Earth Day, Equal Pay Day (!!), 420 if you're into that, Record Store Day, or, my personal favorite.. International Dance Day! Get yo groove on.
May: Cinco De Mayo
AND Mother's Day AND Memorial Day.. and let's not forget the MTV Movie Awards! Ok and my birthday.
Time to work on my tan. And work everyday.
July: 4th of July!
Sparklers! Fireworks! Cookouts!
September: Fall begins
DID SOMEONE SAY FALL? The third season! 3/4 of the way done with the year! Pumpkin Spice Lattes! Scarves, boots, cold weather!
October: Halloween
This is always a fun holiday! better start thinking of ideas and DIY now!
November: Thanksgiving
Always a good time to get in your finest outfit just to stuff yourself to the brim.
December: Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza
So! Many! Holidays! Time for hot chocolate and to watch Elf on repeat.
So there ya have it! 12 things to be excited for in 2018!