Dear Men, It's Time We Address This | The Odyssey Online
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Dear Men, It's Time We Address This

The problem that plagues the male gender and that they continue to ignore

Dear Men, It's Time We Address This

For years, this problem has affected us all—both women and men. As a woman, walking home at night is already quite terrifying. Keys in between fingers, alert at every moment, pretending to be on the phone, we fear the worst. While some nights we are lucky enough to dodge the problem at hand, other nights we are tragically faced with what we fear the most nowadays: men tucking their pants into their socks.

While at first, you might think, "Wait a minute, WTF?", I guarantee you that this is no laughing matter. And while my approach toward writing this post might be sarcastic, my anger toward this issue is far from a joke. As a college student, I face this problem every single day. Walking to class, eating in the cafeteria, even sitting in class.

I am constantly surrounded by idiots who tuck their pants into their god damn socks and I think it's time that someone took a stand. Women get harassed by their clothing choices on a day-to-basis from "showing too much skin" or "being too suggestive".

Well, I think it's time someone criticizes men for dressing like absolute lunatics on a daily basis because I'm sorry, but enough is enough.

Now trust me, I've asked guys why they do this before. Some guys have said it originates from boxing and helps keep you warm. And while that may be true, when they were doing this in September last year warmth was not a necessity. I am honestly convinced at this point that they think it is just some fashion statement because every single guy I know has hopped aboard this unfortunate "trend". It isn't fashion. It shouldn't be a trend.

If you're cold, I'm sorry, but throw on your Timbs and an extra pair of socks and you'll look just as dumb and be just as warm. I swear the trends that guys have created out of thin air lately have reached a new level of stupidity and I, along with the rest of the world, am not here for it.

Now frat guys are a whole new level of this problem. If you were to just walk out on to a normal street, you might get away with not seeing this every single place you look. But on a college campus? You're in a for a real treat.

My very own campus on Michigan State University is just swarming with frat guys tucking their joggers into their socks and I do not understand it. If you're in a frat in college I will admit, you can kind of get away with it because you lead all of these ridiculous trends in the first place.

But I will nevertheless ever be able to comprehend what goes on through your heads when you decide, "Hey! I'm going to take my perfectly cinched joggers and tuck them into my white Nike crew socks and then, and only then, will I be warm and fashionable!" The logic just isn't there.

So please, I am begging you. Stop. Tucking. Your. Pants. Into. Your. Socks. PLEASE. Just end it. Put this so-called "trend" out of its misery. We will stop roasting you on Twitter. We will stop asking you why you do it. Just please for the love of God stop.

Show some mercy for us women because we are suffering every single day this planet is plagued with men tucking their pants into their socks. This is the only way we can achieve world peace and quite frankly might be the key to starting an effective campaign for gender equality. Just remember, one step for man, is one giant step for mankind. And you can't take that step if your pants are tucked into your socks.

Jesus Christ just stop.

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