By the end of my junior year in high school, I noticed a little bit of weight gain here and there but only every six months or so. My senior year of high school I had many college visits and then one stood out to me, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. I fell in love with the campus, and by the end of the tour I was hooked. The tour guide answered all of my questions including the one about "the Freshman 15," I dreaded gaining anymore weight as it were I had already surpassed my personal limit of 115 pounds and now stood at a solid 120, I planned to keep it that way. I was determined.
The tour guide laughed at my innocence. She told me no one escapes the Freshman 15. My very first semester, I stressed my weight gain so much and I regret it now. Sure as time however, my weight climbed to new heights. Funny thing, weight gain, it will happen whether you want it to or not. I didn't see my weight gain for what it was and only noticed that I felt and looked fat. As much as our society pushes "healthy weight" that being like 110 pounds, I got caught up. I was so miserable with myself that it made me sick, actually sick. I even spent a night in the E.R. with a few of my closest friends, who not only took me but stayed loyally and faithfully by my side through that night.
Looking back now...I am glad that I can finally see the truth. You see in all actuality I am now a woman. On the peak of the beginning of my sophomore year of college I finally understand what my weight gain was all about and it wasn't just some crazy thing or coincidence. The Freshman 15 is all too real, but it's a good weight gain.
Wait, what? When is weight gain ever good?
You gain weight when you grow;that's when. It is most important for your body to gain weight and change for you to grow. Many people may look at what happened to me and think well, yeah, of course. However, it wasn't that easy for me. Even though I worked out and tried to eat healthy everyday, it just didn't stop the weight gain. The more weight I gained, the more negative feedback I got from someone whose opinion shouldn't have mattered, the more they accused me of lying about working out or watching what I ate. Slowly, I only allowed myself fewer calories which meant less and less food.
I continued to gain weight and sunk to an all time low, a complete quieting of my soul. I wasn't sure I had existed anymore but I still kept getting pushed. That is,until I got pushed to my limit. With the last bit of character and energy I had, I changed my entire life. I finally decided enough was enough.
My weight became pushed back into my mind and I made it the one thing I would never worry about again.
I grew into a woman. I gained 20 pounds and I am happy about it.
The Freshman 15 is all too important to your bodies, it is just your body growing. Remember this and don't stress about it, focus that energy instead to your studies.