For the past three years, I've worked at my local Target store as a hardlines team member. Sometimes I cashier and on occasion I help out in softlines and electronics. I'll be the first to admit I love Target; most of my paycheck is spent there on clothes, groceries, and other things I don't actually need. It's a magical store filled with everything you could possibly need and then some. I generally like working there because I'm lucky enough to work with some great people, but there are some things that you just don't experience if you don't work at Target.
1. Starbucks cups. EVERYWHERE.
The one good thing about this is that the names are written on the cups so I know exactly who I should be mad at. Come on Jessica, there's a garbage can at every price scanner.
2. Folding a table only to have it destroyed seconds later.
The sight of a destroyed table is enough to make you scream internally.
3. Half of your wardrobe is red and khaki.
4. Zoning in shoes.
Guests throw shoes on the ground. Guests throw boxes of shoes across the floor. Water is wet.
5. When you ask a guest if they'd like to save 5 percent with a RedCard and they tell you "I don't want my identity stolen."
I can totally understand being wary of getting another credit card, but my usual response to this is: "You can have your identity stolen at any time." Guests seem to think that Target is the only store to ever have a breach and that no effort has been put into preventing another one.
6. When you're convinced your My Device hates you.
They were supposed to be vastly superior to the old PDAs, but we got the added problems of an iPod.
7. When you're reminded that there are only two more seasonal sets 'till Christmas, and it's only March.
I'm just waiting for the day we decide to celebrate Christmas year round.
8. When a guest asks you if you work there.
I just go to Target wearing red and khaki, use a walkie-talkie, and put things away at the store for fun.
9. Black Friday.
Last Black Friday, I worked the toy and electronic department. I'm pretty sure a piece of my soul left my body that day.
10. When guests leave unwanted items around the store instead of just giving it to the cashier or putting it back where it came from.
You can give your item to a team member, please just stop leaving frozen pizzas in the toothpaste aisle.
11. Guests spelling out inappropriate words with the letter lamps.
12. Weekends don't exist.
I can't remember the last time I had a whole weekend off. At this point, Mondays through Wednesdays are my weekend.
13. Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter, and Back to School seasonal departments.
They are the messiest area of the store at any given time, but they also have practical uses like taking funny pictures when things get slow.
14. That sweet, sweet moment when you get to leave at the end of a crazy closing night.
Because not every aspect of working retail is bad.
Target is a wonderful and terrible place. I spend way too much money, get asked way too many stupid questions, and clean up way too many spilled coffees. While I may have my issues with Target and working retail in general, I get by with the help of some hilarious coworkers and a fast, fun and friendly attitude.