This society is twisted. It has so many double standards and "guidelines." For both men and women, we are supposed to look and act a certain way, but we are told to be ourselves. How are we expected to do this if we cannot express ourselves without being ridiculed, judged, knocked down, bullied, etc? When we do express ourselves, it is judged and when this happens, it tears the self-esteem down. Even though I do consider myself to be an average person, I am weird at the same time. I am such an oddball and I do not care. I talk a lot, I laugh a lot and I am crazy at times. I was bullied for being this way since third grade.
For the longest time, I wanted to be liked and accepted by others so the bullying would stop. That never happened. That is when I decided that this world is cruel, twisted and sometimes not kind. If it is looked at deeper, that is not entirely the case. There are many people in society and especially now who are so comfortable with themselves and are not afraid to be themselves. They are some of the kindest people, as well.
I do not care whether I am hated, liked, or accepted anymore. Either way, I am growing and becoming myself even more. I believe that is what everyone should do. Yes, I am weird, an oddball, and just not "normal." No matter what, society will always be judged and always be ridiculed. Even if you try to fit in, there will still be judgement. So, you might as well be yourself and be happy. That is why I have decided just to be myself.
Judgment flies every single day, and most in society feel sorry when this happens. My only advice is just to rid your life of the toxic people who do this unnecessarily. My friends joke all the time and are just as odd as me, but there are some people and "friends" that are encountered in life that you know are not this way. If you are not happy, and you feel yourself changing, this is a sign that something is not right in that relationship. Do what you need to do to be happy. It is so freeing. Judgments and such will always be there but if you are genuinely happy with yourself, those will not bother you. This is why I try to just be me. Plus, there is only one of you. Why would you want to be someone else? For all you know, they may want to be you, you may not see it, but you never know. At the end of the day, you are the only one to make yourself genuinely happy so do what you need to do.