Too many times we take the people in our lives for granted, especially the ones who do the most for us. Too often, we forget to let these people know we are grateful for all they do, and how much we love them.
I, too, am guilty for under-appreciating certain people in my life that do the most for me, especially the men in my life. This article is dedicated to you, the men who mean the world to me.
To my father,
I would not be here without you (literally). You are the strongest man I know and the standard by which I judge all other men. There is nothing that you would not do, would not give up for the happiness and well-being of your family.
Despite the distance between us now, you are never more than a phone call away no matter the time. You taught me to go confidently in the direction of my dreams, to never let anyone limit me because of age or gender. You support me 100 percent in whatever I chose to do whether it be going after a district position in key club, going to school in another country, or joining a sorority.
You believe in me when I don’t even believe in myself, you let me cry it out when I’m upset before reminding me that I’m stronger than I know so I can get through whatever challenge I’m facing. We are not of family of constant “I love yous,” but I have once doubted in 21 years your love for me.
You taught me you have to make time for the important things. Despite being busy running your business, you always make time to take me out to the movies, to paint my toenails, or just out to get a snow-cone. Thank you Daddy, for all you do, for all you have done and for all you continue to do for not only, but for our family as well.
To my Grandaddy,
You have been my number one fan from day one. From you, I learned what true love looks like. You and Granny have always been my favorite love story.
The love you had for each other after 60 years of marriage was nothing short of beautiful right up until the very end. You taught me I can do anything I set my mind to and are always proud of me no matter what I do.
You encouraged me to strive for excellence in all I do, from making models for school to baking to writing speeches for key club. One of the things I love the most about you is that you always supported my cooking and sampled every dish I made when I was with you.
Thank you Grandaddy, for loving me more than life, for showing me what true love looks like and for keeping Granny’s memory alive.
To my boy bestfriend,
You’re the big brother I never had. You have seen me at my best and at my absolute worst and you still want to be seen in public with me. You push me to do my best and never give up when things get tough.
You are my rock when I’m far away from home. You look out for me constantly, always reminding me to take care of myself, to eat and sleep. You threaten to beat up any guy who hurts me in any way. You inspire me to renew my faith and whenever it becomes too much to handle on my own, you encourage me to take everything to God in prayer.
You are my protector and I can always count on you to be there for me no matter the circumstances. Thank you for going above and beyond to make sure that I am safe and healthy and happy.
You each have had a hand in molding me into the woman I am today. Your constant love and support keep me strong in trying times. You all have taught me to be independent, to love generously and to work hard to achieve my goals.
If there is anything I have learned in this past year it is this -- time is short and tomorrow is never promised. Therefore, you should always be open about your feelings and let those you love know how much they mean to you.
To the men in my life, I love you all more than words can express and I want to thank you for molding me into what I am today.