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4 Stunning Places To Visit In Asia If You're On A Budget, From A College Student Who Spent A Summer Abroad

Want to get out of the same old college town and travel abroad? If finances are an issue, check out these four places!

4 Stunning Places To Visit In Asia If You're On A Budget, From A College Student Who Spent A Summer Abroad

College is a great time to travel. You can learn along the way and make new friends. New experiences shape your life. But it is not always the easiest thing to do. Planning a trip abroad on a college budget can be expensive and tedious.

When I decided to take a trip abroad one summer, it took days and hours of research for a place I could actually afford. The goal is to be able to travel comfortably while making the most out of your experience.

My research finally landed in Vietnam. It is not the most traveled to place or the most talked about but it is one of the most beautiful places I have been to.

There are many such places where you can make the most out of your money if you are on a college budget. Once you have saved up for the air tickets, these places in Asia are as affordable as they come.

So here are four places to visit if you are on a college student budget.

1. India


Shocked to see India on this list? It is true, India is as affordable in terms of living costs as they come. When you think of India, you may think of exotic places and royal palaces but these places are super cheap to visit.

Entrance to many beautiful historic palaces and monuments can range from only $10 - $20.

You can get a full meal anywhere between $3 - $10.

Uber and many other local ride-hailing services are much more affordable than the states. You can even find luxury hotel rooms for under $100!

2. Bali, Indonesia


Bali is one place that is on everyone's list right now and rightfully so. The tiny island in Indonesia has gained huge popularity for being extremely budget-friendly.

You can really benefit from the exchange rates.

To give you an idea, 1 USD is equal to 14,745 Indonesian Rupiah. You can very well be a millionaire in Bali!

You can rent a villa on Airbnb all to yourself for less than $100 a night. The tiny island is home to the most beautiful temples, white sand beaches, mountain trekking, and delectable food.

Bali is also a haven for vegan food restaurants and eco travel.

3. Vietnam


Looking for an off the beaten path trip? Look no further than Vietnam. It is a tiny country in Asia, but it's steeped in culture. No better way to start your day than a hot, steaming bowl of authentic Vietnamese pho.

The town square in the historic city of Hanoi in Vietnam turns into a big party by night with live concerts.

If you are into shopping, every weekend there is a night market on the streets that sell great finds and locally made goods at very cheap prices. Did you know that the movie King Kong was shot in Vietnam?

You can take a luxury cruise between the ominous limestone mountains over the ocean for less than $100!

4. Thailand


There is no surprise why Thailand constantly makes the list for budget travelers. This is the OG budget travel destination. Beaches with crystal blue water, white sandy beaches, and caves are unbeatable in Thailand.

Thai food's reputation precedes its name and at unbelievably cheap prices you can get amazing street food.

Thailand has one of the best nightlife scenes in Asia and drinks are less than $3. You can stay at luxury boutique hotels and resorts for less than $50!

If you are looking for great food, relaxing beaches, and cheap shopping, Thailand is definitely the way to go!

I hope you are able to travel to at least one of these four amazing Asian vacation spots.

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