18 Toxic Habits to Break So You Can Thrive in 2018
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18 Toxic Habits to Break So You Can Thrive in 2018

You don’t have to be a “new you” every New Year, but here’s a few habits worth leaving in 2017 that will help you become your "best you".

18 Toxic Habits to Break So You Can Thrive in 2018
1. Ghosting People

Even if it’s someone you hate or regret ever speaking to in the first place, leaving people on read forever isn’t a mature way to end communication. If you don’t like them, take the initiative and tell them honestly. It forms bad personality traits, and nobody deserves to have their time wasted.

2. Pushing Back Important Work Until the Last Minute

This is actually much easier to fix than you might think. By chipping away at important assignments, projects, or other tasks a piece at a time, it helps you manage your time more efficiently while avoiding that crippling panic as the deadline draws closer and closer. Imagine actually getting some sleep the night that final paper is due…

3. Cancelling Plans At the Last Minute

We all know that life is funny and surprises you when you least expect it, but cancelling plans with someone when something else comes your way can damage or even destroy relationships. Stick to your word this year and do right by others.

4. Showing Up Late

I’m a “10 minutes after” kind of person. Time is just a construct, and my bed is my best friend on cold winter mornings. But I realized that showing up late constantly makes me seem less dependable and unprofessional. Plan ahead this year; show up on time or a few minutes early so you don’t rush yourself or inconvenience others.

5. Worrying About Who Likes You

If your friends make time for you, if your family supports you, and if your significant other still puts up with you, life is good. The opinions of strangers are irrelevant. Don’t feel like you have to impress anyone besides the most important people in your life.

6. Abandoning Your Interests

Sometimes school gets overwhelming. Work can take all of your free time. But when you let the little things you do that make you happy slip away, it can make life much harder than it needs to be. Make time to practice your art, your sport, whatever your passion is – even if it’s only for an hour or two when you can squeeze it in.

7. Forming Your Self-Image Through Social Media

Twitter makes us seem funnier than we really are sometimes. Insta has this magical ability to turn even the dullest potato into the Chick-fil-A waffle fry we all know it can be. But if you hold yourself to social media standards in everyday life, it can warp how you see yourself in the mirror. Love yourself as you are; you don’t have to flex 24/7.

8. Hitting The Snooze Button

Y’all can drag me if you want to – even I’m guilty of this one – but actually getting up when your alarm goes off can change your life. Taking extra time to wake up and energize before starting the day will not only let you forget that you didn’t get enough sleep last night, but it’ll help you fall asleep later on.

9. Prioritizing Others’ Needs Over Your Own Until It Hurts You

We all want to be that friend that people can turn to when they need help. And it’s always a good thing to support your friends when they’re in need, but any building is only as strong as its foundation. You have to take care of yourself this year, even if it means turning someone away so you live your best life in the meantime. Don’t take on stress you can’t handle.

10. Withholding Your Feelings to Save Face

Every time you let someone walk away unchallenged after upsetting you, you’re doing yourself a disservice. This is the year that you advocate for yourself and make your voice heard, even if it pisses a few people off in the process. You owe yourself a clear conscience free from regrets; don’t wait until it’s too late.

11. Talking About Others Behind Their Backs

Everyone knows someone that’s just easy to hate. They’re rude, inconsiderate, sloppy and mean – maybe they’ve even stirred up some hate against you. But if you’re telling anyone other than that hate-able individual about it, you’re wasting everyone’s time. Discuss issues face-to-face with the problematic person instead of complaining to your friends about them. Stop the issue instead of using it to sound interesting.

12. Taking Your Status in Life For Granted

If you have your bills paid at the end of the month with a little bit to spare, understand that you’re more advantaged in life than a lot of people out there. If your parents pay for school and gas money, thank them and know how lucky you really are. It’s always easier to want more, but taking the easy route isn’t what this year is about.

13. Wishing You Could Be More

Your final grades weren’t as good as you expected and you feel unintelligent, or you slacked off on working out and you’re feeling self-conscious – don’t. Your journey in life is your own. Comparing your failures to the success of others is toxic; do your best in all things, and take pride in knowing you put in the effort to make your life better.

14. Ignoring Your Mental Health

Even though many of us struggle with mental health issues, stigmas and busy scheduling can keep us from seeking treatment even when we have access to it. Your mental health is your rock in the storm of life. Seeking help if you need it will prevent you from drowning in your responsibilities. And even if you’re fortunate enough not to struggle with issues, counseling can help you solve many of the problems you’ll be facing this year.

15. Losing Touch With Your Family

Always remember where you came from. Even if you’re like me and have a family that’s often disjointed and dysfunctional, it’s important to keep in touch with the relatives you’re close to and keep them in your life. You owe it to yourself as much as you do to them.

16. Avoiding Organization

It takes work, for a lot of us, to stay organized throughout the year. Start the year right by keeping track of your important documents, don’t be afraid of making lists (you’re reading one right now!), and pick up your room a little more than normally might. You’ll be amazed at how much clutter can keep you from succeeding.

17. Being Afraid to Show Emotion

If you’re someone who thinks that showing emotion is a weakness, you’re wrong. By expressing your true feelings in the moment, you stay in touch with yourself and show those around you how they affect you. Don’t hide your true self from anyone.

18. Minimizing Your Successes

Even your smallest victories are worth celebrating. You got an A on a quiz you didn’t study for? Give yourself props! You got up early to work out and eat breakfast? Treat yo’ self later! There’s nothing wrong with being proud of the little milestones that get you closer to living your dreams. Progress is progress, no matter how small it may seem to others.

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