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Top 5 Comic Con Announcements From DC Entertainment


Top 5 Comic Con Announcements From DC Entertainment

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As a Comic Book fan, Comic Con is really Christmas compared to the other weekends of the year. Me, I'm personally more of a DC Comics person myself. With the news and rumors buzzing around Twitter and Youtube, I was really excited to see what DC had in store. Are they able to bring themselves back from the laughs of everyone? Can they start to keep up with Marvel?

Here are the top five things from DC that I'm excited about.

1. "DC Universe"

DC's been talking about a streaming service for years. News has been trickling in with exclusive shows (the titles so far being: "Titans," "Doom Patrol," "Swamp Thing," "Harley Quinn," "Young Justice: Outsiders" with more to come). Now with San Diego Comic Con, we now have a tentative launch in April. 75 dollars to pre-order, comic fans will be able to get their hands-on DC's catalog of movies, TV Shows and of course, comic books!

2. "Titans"

This trailer seemed to make people's days or destroy people's childhoods. The Teen Titans get their first live action TV Show with "Titans." The internet has been stirring with both hatred and praise for DC's debut show on their new platform. Me, personally, I'm really excited for what this new DC TV Show universe will bring.

3. "Young Justice: Outsiders"

Today's the day! After a short-lived run earlier, DC's fan-favorite animated show "Young Justice" finally got it's shot at the third season! Nearly all of the original cast has returned for its debut on DC's new streaming platform. The trailer dropped and I cried in complete joy. Fans have been petitioning for a return of this show for years, and now their wish has finally come true.

4. "Aquaman"

Next year is the year that "Aquaman sucks" jokes go to die. Since "Game of Thrones" alum Jason Mamoa showed his stuff in the "Justice League" movie I've been nothing but excited for his solo film. Alongside Amber Heard and Nicole Kidman, I am excited to see what the King of Atlantis' solo debut is going to bring.

5. "Shazam"

People's main complaint of the DCEU was that there wasn't enough humor. But with Zachary Levi stepping into the shoes of "Shazam," a powerful superhero who's really a teenager, you can't help but giggle and smile at the trailer. I'm looking forward to seeing what he brings into the role.

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