With Spring Break upon us and midterms slowing down, being exhausted is basically an expectation at this point in the semester and we may find ourselves having issues functioning, let alone entertaining the idea to go out.
Have no fear! When R&R is all you need, GNIs (Girls Nights In) were created for you and your gal pals to pull out the cookie dough, sit back, and guiltlessly watch all the chick flicks you desire.
Here is a compilation of (arguably) the best movies for staying in and binging on copious amounts of junk food with your girl friends.
1. Mean Girls
Shoutout to Tina Fey for writing this comedic masterpiece and offering our squad so many quotable lines to use in everyday life.
2. A Walk to Remember
If Landon and Jamie don't give you hope in true love, I don't know what will.
3. Clueless
Let's be honest, Cher and Dionne are BFF goals.
4. The Notebook
The quintessential love story that leaves every girl (and guy) in tears.
and, last but not least,
5. Bridget Jones' Diary
because, let's be honest, Bridget Jones is everyone's spirit animal.
Those are just a few of the all-time best chick flicks for you and your girls to watch when going out just isn't going to happen.
Just a recommendation: try to avoid watching The Notebook last or else you will all go to sleep a sobbing mess.