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Top 9 Books for High Schoolers

Books that are great reads to kill time

Top 9 Books for High Schoolers

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Although in high school many people don't get time to read other than for class, if you ever get bored and are looking for something to do, these books are great and will get you hooked to reading once again if you haven't already read them for school.

1. Night


Night is a true story based on Elie Wiesel, a WWll concentration camp survivor. In the book, he describes his experience at Auschwitz and other camps during the Holocaust in Nazi Germany. It is an unforgettable memoir of a true survivor and fighter during one of the world's most historically brutal events.

2. To Kill A Mockingbird


This novel revolves around the story of a white man, Atticus Finch, trying to prove the innocence of a black man being accused of murder. This book was especially mind-opening because it takes place in Alabama during the 1930s when African Americans were considered slaves and not accepted into society.

3. Animal Farm


In this book, George Orwell, the author, uses a group of animals who have taken control of their masters farm to criticize the start of communism and show how although in the beginning the animals/people were told they would have a voice in the farm/society however were mislead and lied to.

4. Fahrenheit 451


Fahrenheit 451 is set in a dystopian society where any books that are found are burned by fireman in order to keep citizens from questioning their governments concepts or their society. However, the main character, Gus Montag, a fireman himself realizes what is happening and tries to fight it.

5. Romeo and Juliet


An infamous playwright in which two families rival against each other, two young kids fall in love, and at the end everything crashes and burns as their love is forbidden.

6. Namesake


The story of an immigrant couple new to the States from India, trying to adjust to the cultural and societal differences from what they were brought up in and start a new family in this society.

7. The Great Gatsby


The Great Gatsby is about Jay Gatsby, a man whose life revolves around one goal which is to to be brought together with someone he loved five years before. His journey drives him from destitution to riches, finally into the arms of Daisy Buchanan, and along the way, death.

8. 1984


Set in a dystopian society, Winston Smith, frustrated by the constant watch of the "Party" in which he is a low ranking member and the threatening Big Brother whom has control over the entirety of the society and citizens in it, tries to fight back and take action against them.

9. Pride and Prejudice


This story revolves around the chaotic and whirlwind relationship between Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy both from different parts of society and families, as they overcome many obstacles in order to be with each other.

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