Top Six Walking Tracks To Improve Your Morning Commute | The Odyssey Online
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Top Six Walking Tracks To Improve Your Morning Commute

Walking Fast, Going To Class, Singing In My Head...And Sometimes Out loud.

Top Six Walking Tracks To Improve Your Morning Commute

Walking to class is never fun. Especially when it's 25 degrees at 7:50 a.m. while you're walking to your dreaded 8:15 class. Believe me, I know how that is. Bio at 8:15 is not my friend. However, I have found a way to make that walk a little more enjoyable, and that's by walking to few of my favorite songs. I'm a huge supporter of walking with both my headphones in, blasting whatever music I'm feeling that morning. Below I have listed my streamlined list of favorite walking tunes.

6. The Black Parade

Released by My Chemical Romance in 2006, this alternative rock song will have you singing along and walking quickly to class in no time. Follow the story of a young boy whose father asks him "Son when, you grow up, would you be, the savior of the broken, the beaten and the damned?" and find out exactly what he thinks of the world and what he's going to do about it.

5. Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time

Released by Panic! At The Disco in 2016, this alternative track will have that inner-rebel-child-you practically running to class with the driving beat behind the song. *Notice: Song may induce slight head banging.

4. Uma Thurman

Released by Fall Out Boy in 2015, this song will have you walking with a pep in your step as you head to that early morning class. With its alternative music and catchy lyrics, you'll be sucked in in no time.

3. Break Up In A Small Town (Acoustic Mixtape)

Released by Sam Hunt in 2015, this mellow track will remind you that breakups suck, but also give you a taste of home if you live in a small town. This is one track I suggest only if you are already moving at a good pace that morning. If you are already moving a bit slower than usual, skip this one.

2. Castle

Released by Halsey in 2015, this girl power track will have you headed "straight for the castle" also known as DeMoss Hall, at a quickened pace. *Notice: May result is resting walking face

1. House Of Memories

Released by Panic! At The Disco in 2016, this track off their newest album, Death Of A Bachelor, will have you singing along in no time and thinking about whose "House of Memories" you're included in. *Notice: Song may induce singing

If you hadn't noticed, alternative is my favorite genre at the moment. I will admit not all these tracks will be for everyone, but I hope that one of these may make your morning walks a little more enjoyable.

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